Sunday, 5 April 2020


for or Against? vegetarian / vegan, belief in treating animals ethically.
you wouldn't harm your dog, so why would you harm a cow?unfortunately there's no other option for ecological leather that gives you the same effect and the same physical effect of actual leather, but they are getting better. Is the leather that most of the fashion industry uses is mainly from the meat industry? every material should be used sustainably and responsibly in moderation, especially ones that cost lives in the making - such as leather. But is it such a problem if it's coming from the meat industry anyway? is leather worse than fur or on the same level? what about silk? it uses animal labour? do we just overuse and exploit the material, easier to use and get rather than look for an alternative as it could be more expensive?
new technologies available means we don't have to use livestock, Because of biofabrication, we can essentially get the same product without using a live animal. Without having to rear that animal and use the resources. Should more companies should be doing this? leather has its functions within design and the usage and we can only get some effects from it as opposed to other materials, a material used for thousands of years all over the world, always in supply - why bother looking for a substitute? In regards to durability, it's also considered a decent material. But it's not always used sustainably. is it Eco? Humane? this is the question we have now, with more and more animal activists and vegans, the boycotting of fur, do we also need to considering our usage of leather?
(I personally as a vegan/veggie/animal lover definitely think so!)

the processing of leather is really bad for the environment and for our skin, bleaching, and for the welfare and health as people who are in the industry producing it. however durability can be an issue

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