Sunday, 5 April 2020


The understanding of fashion and its material impacts in environmental terms, is usually demonstrated in financial terms to allow businesses to realise the economic implications of their operations, but we need to look more closely at the dramatic escalation of fashion production and consumption impacting many parts of the world to understand changes in volume and cost relating to fashion that are of significant importance. 
We rely on nature and people for everything we produce, and there is a critical need for businesses to understand the environmental and social impacts of the design decisions they make. we need to consider the Planetary Boundaries and Human Equality in which we all live and work. These two key concepts provide core principles that fashion businesses urgently need to address and consider when creating products and services. Informed decision making in business can ensure that we work in an ethical safe operating space, and do not test the limits of the ecosystem by our actions. 
We need to look at the reasons behind how and why the sheer growth of fashion consumption has escalated, how these factors along with fashion’s business practices are contributing to climate change and degradation of the planet. Clothes are more disposable than they have ever been, and by examining fashion practice, consumer behaviour and culture with growth facts and figures we can begin to understand and reflect on the ways in which fashion success might shift from quantity sold to value gained.

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