Monday, 10 April 2023


When most people come to a standstill
maybe it's  a feeling of confused trapped life? 
things, choices, decisions. actions tend to be different, 
our way of thinking warped?

Evert person, 
Every life, 
is individual, unique, distinct. 
Nothing is the same for two 
but their can be similarities - relate

For me, 
I’m confused. 
Not on one aspect, but many.

I’m confused at why I’m level headed? Able to think from an outside perspective. 
An outside looking in.

I couldn’t do that before. why now? what's changed?
age? level? maturity?
wisdom? experience? something else?

Others in a similar situation can’t, they are consumed. 
Why aren’t I? Why can I still think logical. albeit I dont apply  I know - I see - I understand
If I lost my head and lost the sibilant remainder of me 
my self control, my thinking, logic, conscience-  my thoughts 
would it not be more understandable? 
easier for me an others to finally accept? 

Or is added punishment - on top of the self punishment I deal myself,
punishment to  be fully aware, suffer more, more cruel - to make it more intense, the feeling of guilt more acute. 

Why am I so conflicted?
 Why is that fight still in there. I am so tired.  I wish to sleep
please, it's been so long. 

In pain physically and mentally. 
is the need to punish able to overcome that? 
The work, the lack of nourishment, the tiredness, the distaste,
the loathing of self image, 
the social reclusiveness. 

Never full. Never satisfied? 
Always empty, running on air. 
Is that more the problem? or more it's the problem of myself and my feeling on inadequacy. 
my self loathing, my distaste.
I don’t know how or why I’m still going. though I am.
 I don’t know what gets me up in the morning after I shut my eyes for the night before. 
what let’s me finally rest at night but pushes my on, prides me awake after the dawn.  
I want help 
I need it 
but I don’t want it too.

so much confliction
so much pain
it goes on and on and on 

I don’t want to burden 
I don’t want to be forgot
or do I?

When you fall off the wagon of life

When you fall off the horse do you stay down in the mud or do you climb back on and continue the journey?

Life is hard. 
Life shows no mercy. 
People are cruel. 
Molehills seem like such mountains. But it is what it is. 
If we always just lay down, 
cried when the milk spilt, 
wail at the unfairness of it all 

    - would anything ever been accomplished?

Life is hard. 
It is a test. 
It’s not easy.
Sometimes, it’s a struggle to get out of bed, 
some nights, when we close our eyes
we might hope they won’t open again. 
But life goes on. 
It has to. 
Though we sometimes feel it is cruel.
Though we sometimes feel it is heartbreaking.
Life goes on. 
We cannot stop,
we cannot pause
no fast forward, 
no rewind and try again.

The world keeps turning, spinning slowly day by day.
Only we can change our choices, our lifestyle.
Thoughts can be altered. help can be sought.
Changes can be made, new habits begun.

The worlds greats did not give up,
 if we all just accepted things as they are - stopped trying, 
nothing would ever be accomplished. 
We have responsibilities 
to ourselves, 
to others 
to god. 
Did Jesus lie down when he fell with the cross? No. 
With a little help he got up and continued on. 
believe in him or no it does not matter. 

When help is offered or not, 
we MUST keep going
we MUST get up and try again.
No matter how hard the struggle
No matter how tired we are. 
The test of life is hard, 
the road to paradise has blockades and barriers, 
if we want to finally get there - OUR IDEAL
    we MUST find a way to go on. 

Lead the way for others to follow
never look back, regret. 

Never say what if






The world keeps turning,
with it,
the opportunity for change.
For better.
For good.
For life.

by Kelly Crawford  

LANGUAGE & TRANSLATION: Chinese slang & idioms

 popular slang words and idioms 

真香 - nice / smells good / tastes good 

你是魔鬼吗?you devil!

C位出道 - debut in a central role 

家里有矿 - family has money (rich)

打工不可能打工的 - you work, you don't part time it 

安排上了 - planned / sorted 

沙雕 - sand sculpture / stupid / foolish /dumb

小拳拳捶你胸口 - punch 2 the chest / punch to the heart 

你脑子进水了吗 - have you water in your brain? / are you retarded/ are you stupid? / Are you out of your mind?
一口吃个胖子 - fat in a heartbeat / get fat in a mouthful 

倒背如流 - know by heart 
不明事理 - Unreasonable
众盲摸象 - blind groping an elephant / can't see the bigger picture 
理所当然照常 business as usual
忙中有错  haste makes waste.; haste causes errors
安步当车 - leisurely stroll 
雄心勃勃 ambitious / aim high 
小心谨慎 cautious /  careful 
食之无味弃之可惜 It's a shame to throw it away / its a shame to waste  / its a sin to waste 
不经一事不长一智 Wisdom comes from experience/ You can't gain knowledge without practice
脱不了身 you can't get out of it /  busy and unable get away
宾至如归 feel at home / a home away from home
不相上下 equally matched
不言而喻 self evident / it goes without saying
不择手段 unscrupulously / by fair or foul / willing to play dirty / by any means necessary
生命不息战斗不止 Cease to struggle and you cease to live / the battle for life continues / the unending struggles of life 
不堪忍受 unbearable
不可思议 unimaginable / Unbelievable
机不可失时不再来 It's an opportunity not to be lost / Now or never
不惜一战 fight at all costs / no  matter what it costs / no matter what the battle / no matter how hard the fight
不惜血本 no  matter what it costs / spare no expense
东奔西跑 running around / rushing about / running around like a maniac / 

Sunday, 9 April 2023

POETRY: still, calm, tranquil, peaceful

 Still, calm, tranquil, peaceful,

Midnight waters on a pond.Moonbeams shining, gleaming, glowing;Reflected on the surface flow.Silence lingers though not eery,Broken only by one sound;
The lowly calling for a lover
A grasshopper's pursuit of a Juliet.
The Fireflies glow,Lanterns bobbing, floating, swirling; 
Graceful dancers of the skyDrifting elegantly, airily, sylphlike Living candles of the night skies.

Bamboo River, fireflies, moon, nature, night, HD wallpaper | Peakpx

POETRY: On the edge


On the edge 

Slowly forward, slowly back
Nearly falling.
The abyss calling.
A soft breeze is all that pushes me back. 
The winds to safety,  beckoning whispers 
I barely hear. 
Barely strong enough to call me back.
Back to safety, back to life

Don’t go, don’t fall, don’t teeter. 
So young, so much potential; choose life! 
The north wind calls me stronger. 
It beckons me. 
A seductress. An enchantress. 
A siren of the sea of nothingness below.

So long I’ve teetered I start to wonder, 
It dawns on me, soon, I’ll have no choice. 
Soon my legs... 
They will give way 
And I will fall into the abyss below 
No choice
No decision 
No more

Nothing into Nothingness.
The end of the struggle.
Desist. Deceased.
An end.

by Kelly 

Cliff Edge by Photography By Andrew Mwai