Monday, 10 April 2023

LANGUAGE & TRANSLATION: Chinese slang & idioms

 popular slang words and idioms 

真香 - nice / smells good / tastes good 

你是魔鬼吗?you devil!

C位出道 - debut in a central role 

家里有矿 - family has money (rich)

打工不可能打工的 - you work, you don't part time it 

安排上了 - planned / sorted 

沙雕 - sand sculpture / stupid / foolish /dumb

小拳拳捶你胸口 - punch 2 the chest / punch to the heart 

你脑子进水了吗 - have you water in your brain? / are you retarded/ are you stupid? / Are you out of your mind?
一口吃个胖子 - fat in a heartbeat / get fat in a mouthful 

倒背如流 - know by heart 
不明事理 - Unreasonable
众盲摸象 - blind groping an elephant / can't see the bigger picture 
理所当然照常 business as usual
忙中有错  haste makes waste.; haste causes errors
安步当车 - leisurely stroll 
雄心勃勃 ambitious / aim high 
小心谨慎 cautious /  careful 
食之无味弃之可惜 It's a shame to throw it away / its a shame to waste  / its a sin to waste 
不经一事不长一智 Wisdom comes from experience/ You can't gain knowledge without practice
脱不了身 you can't get out of it /  busy and unable get away
宾至如归 feel at home / a home away from home
不相上下 equally matched
不言而喻 self evident / it goes without saying
不择手段 unscrupulously / by fair or foul / willing to play dirty / by any means necessary
生命不息战斗不止 Cease to struggle and you cease to live / the battle for life continues / the unending struggles of life 
不堪忍受 unbearable
不可思议 unimaginable / Unbelievable
机不可失时不再来 It's an opportunity not to be lost / Now or never
不惜一战 fight at all costs / no  matter what it costs / no matter what the battle / no matter how hard the fight
不惜血本 no  matter what it costs / spare no expense
东奔西跑 running around / rushing about / running around like a maniac / 

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