wednesday 8th- friday 10th October
up early and back into class. luckily Id studied a chapter in advance character wise, as we headed straight into new material, and were told to read ahead for a practise test at the end of the month that wont have pin yin (extra hard!) was way too exhausted for my first class on Friday morning and skipped it, but to be fair lots of students havent been in. received my unit test back and scored 87% quite pleased with that.
back to work on WEdnesday, Gar was away in Hong Kong, so Pauline had me tidying and organising things for the trunk show on the weekend. The trunk show is appointment only, with all the stuff laid out, people can try things on, get orders or buy samples. I was sent to the accessory market at YuGarden (unfortunately loosing the 100 that she had gave me and having to use my own money ffs) its about 4 stories, i was only in the ground floor but it was full of beads, belts, trim etc. I got a whole roll of black ribbon for the skirt i was making for 5 RMB. back home I would pay that for a metre! she also had me making flower corsages from organza and freshening up and changing old ones with the steamer and with fabric manipulation and thread trimming.
Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th October
exhausted this morning. the trunk show is later today though they only have 1 client, they got bakery goods and we were able to have some! i was to create packages for accessories that may be bought, cutting cardboard and organza squares. I ran some basic errands. And helped Gar create labels and attach them to the different products long with creating a lace chart for clients who wanted a different lace for a style of dress. Even had a class of wine while i did it while some upbeat tunes were played as the french clients tried on dresses (they had quite the American accent for french)
I was in an upbeat mood and would have loved to have settled down with some wine and some good music, but of course I had Chinese to study! By nearly 10 I was at my wits end with the boredom of studying. Everyone was heading to Bar rouge so i decided to join them, to get out of my room. Had a barcardi breezer outside the dorm and headed to the Bund. We had the passcode for Bar rouge and were able to get in for free (usually 100RMB in) there was a "beach theme" so the outside bit was filled with sand. nice place but completely packed.
At the top of this old landmark building there was a fantastic view of the bund (floor 7 above M18) we tried to go to M18 however some of the guys who were with us were wearing the wrong shoes etc so we left. some grabbing beers from the shop as we sat chatting and admiring the view at the bund. it was fun, well it was, until the street cleaning crew decided to hose the area down, and, when we were slow to move, nearly hosing us down too in the process. We all jumped in taxi's back to the uni, a drunk black most likely gay american student with appalling chinese joined us, along with an annoying asian american who laid claim to having several nationalities in her bloodline. you're american taiwanese, stop adding things! thankfully she sat at the other table when we got to Perrys. it wasnt too busy and we had a go at playing the chinese dice cups guessing game. not the most fun, but perhaps it is when you are drunk. over at the other table, mainly filled with guys, 2 drunk chinese girls started trying it on with them, kissing them all and nearly mouth raping the one guy who really didnt want any attention as he had a girlfriend. by the time we left she had seemed to have tried it on and kissed the majority of guys in Perry's and her friend was videoing her kissing some guy, I later found out they were chinese models from the country only here for 1 day and just going wild...nice.
Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th October
late to bed last night as I slept so late on sunday. got told I have an oral test on friday, oh the joy! so we have a week to learn unit 10 on top of 5 other units for it, greetings, where you're from, food, shopping, health, time and class. Laoshi Xie was late on the tuesday as she was u most the night with a reaction to an injection. poor thing. Got speaking to the famiy. My brother took part in Zombie run, loosing only 1 life and getting a medal, pretty cool! met Linda for lunch on wednesday (lunches have been better this week, had some packed lunches of fruit croissants and sweetened walnuts and some nice pockmarked tofu dishes aswell) she leant me her bicycle and says I can borrow it for the semester if I want, I used it to cycle to work, it only took 30 minutes, I got to see so much more, eg metro city all lit up at night, and it only took 30 minutes, rather than the usual 40 minutes walking and metro time! will be using it more to get to work for sure!
been making flowers in work, organza and manipulating edges along with packaging and labeling, learning a lot about final presentation.
got to go to a show at Shanghai Fashion week. apparently tickets are expensive and hard to get, but Pauline (my boss) had 2 due to her fashion company. I borrowed heels and met Pauline and some other chinese fashion people (a husband, wife and their very cute small daughter) in Xintandi. went through Xintandi style and xintandi shanghai, full of top end designers and lots of chinese bespoke designers, I plan to go back and have a proper look about.
we got front row seats, in our goody bags we had cloud print festival coats which we were asked to put on (strange) the theme seems to be time and clouds?
Siijii used all chinese models, many of them, they had lot of sports styled wear, often with lace or mesh, there were a few dresses and the majority had a repeat print of swirl like clouds.
I particularly liked some of the designs, many were high end high street ready to wear, which I prefer to bizarre run way looks. I liked how some items had fasteners on the outside and the overall look was sleek sports. There were several looks, some didn’t necessarily fit with the collection, but overall interesting. though perhaps a collection looking more at the now fashion than A/W 15?
afterwards upon getting a taxi we stopped to get the girl some icecream (for her first show she was very well behaved) both her and the small boy sitting a the next table covered their faces in ice cream (I guess it’s the real way to do it as a child, more fun and enjoyable, and who doesn’t like someone cleaning up after you haha)
back at the studio I added the finishing touched to the flower head clips, - the label, before packaging them in organza squares and securing them in a japanese knot (looking a bit like a steamed bun I guess) wrapping in cardboard and securing in twine. I left early having finished all to study having been told that I could get more hands on, watch the pattern cutter Fanny at work (chinese pattern cutting is like japanese pattern cutting very complicated and different to Western with little to n draping, but it will be good to learn and see the differences) along with being told of upcoming buyers fairs that I may be attending and purchasing I may be doing for them.
Friday - Saturday 17th-18th October
What a hideous oral test, it was not as I had thought, asked by Laoshi, we were taken to a computer room and it was done with prerecorded questions in superfast chinese and we had to answer in 10 seconds!!! I got rather confused at the start even though we had a sheet with some of the questions. but at least I was able to do my presentation at the end find, introducing myself:
wo jiao Kelly. Wo shi Yingguoren. Wo shi Liuxuesheng. wo xuexi Hanyu. wo zai DonghuaDaxue. Hanyu Hen nan.
我叫 。。。我是英国人。我是留学生。我学习汉语。我子啊东华大学。汉语很难。
I found that for my class after I just couldn’t be bothered. and the game we played, although very competitive was a bit hard. I got asked how to write a character I did not yet know and also a maths questions where I didn’t hear the .50MAO.
Cycled to work and started doing a pattern from a shawl. its hard. the chinese do it so different. I have a pattern master, they used a ruler doing small lines?
I continued this the next day, altering it for a better fit and look and then trying some sequin beading, its so hard to get straight! found a huge tesco's on my break and did some shopping, perfect!
Sunday 19th - Monday 20TH October

but 5 O'clock the "tourist area" was like ghost town, I most definitely did not feel like I was in Shanghai that’s for sure! explored the Century mart and got some vegetable noodles for dinner. it took over and hour and a half to get back as the metro was so slow! for not doing much today, I was pretty tired!
one could light incense for Confucius or write a wish, we had a right laugh reading the different wishes in German, English and French, most were silly and romantic, one from a young teen demanded a girlfriend soon who would love and be with them forever whilst another wanted good grades and christmas presents. the workers selling the cards showed us one wish that came true, a German man wishing for the Germans to win the 2014 world cup - clearly granted by Confucius haha!
Tuesday 21st -Friday 24th October
been told that we have a unit test next Tuesday, oh such fun! and we will be doing 3 chapters next week in Comprehensive class. learnt directions in speaking class and had a strange but hilarious comprehensive class using the words' Danshi" "juede" and "bijiao" 但是,觉得 和 比较 but, think & compared to - and using them to rate famous people - Hot or Not! very funny!
On Tuesday and Wednesday went to the Intertextile trade fair in the New Shanghai Pavillion Line 10 Huamu road, finally seeing some Chinese decoration in the "kerry" shopping centre and getting a pass that called me "garment manufacturer" I felt very official. it was my job to try and find more CDC Silk, heavy satin, new jacquards and fancies for the bridal and evening wear, mainly 100% silk or silk/poly silk/viscose blends. the place was humongous! you could get a caddy ride to the different areas. I focused on the first day in N1 only. filled with silk vendors, mainly Chinese. I had a sheet with some of the samples i was to look for, also to look for similar bridal fancies and jacquards, and to order samples to the store, getting a card and noting down widths, prices, minimum quantity, delivery time, local popularity etc. some were very reasonable in price too! lots of beautiful silks, lots of westerners and lots of english speaking vendors! but i found myself bored of looking at fabrics, and by day 2 I was at a wits end, and i was only doing a few hours at this!
i visited some of the international traders, mainly Asian, lots and lots of lyrca and lace,, not much silk. often a lot of the textile traders would sell in huge bulk, mainly for factories, I was looking for small batches, maybe 20/30M. I looked in W1-3 and N1-3 these places maybe had 300 stalls per section. yet my second day I only got 10 or so more orders.
I spent the metro journey back asking Gar, the second in command and fashion accessory designer from manchester all about her career experience and she suggested getting in contact with designers and headhunters for contacts - in fashion, the more contacts the better.
the next 2 days were spent with yet more fabrics, i went to the 2 fabric markets trying to find CDC silk, Heavy, but in a dark navy. very difficult and i was unsure if the colour was acceptable. i was at the markets at Dongmen and the South Bund market. although my boss said 45rmb approx for a metre, the ones in South bund wanted 140 as its more western! so not fair! however in Dongmen they were all very helpful, at one point 5 vendors were all trying to sort out who could help.
i went back the next day for samples, practicing my chinese, buying a half metre of lace for only £1.50! and at the accessories market get free sequins near Yuyuan, what a kind lady! I spent the rest of the time writing up the info from the trade fair before cycling home and getting stuck into chinese (I did one homework for 2 hours!) packed for tomorrow for the school trip as I had to meet at 7.30am
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