I was also sent to the accessories market, pricing some bra strap fasteners for a client. I got some cards for myself, finding i could buy awesome studs for .5 quai (i'll be stocking up!) and buying some beautiful embroidered lace pieces.
wednesday in work was spent practising on creating an oragami headpiece from scratch from silk, however it needed to be altered as the other material doesnt go too well with it.
went down a bit in the exam, 74%, due to my pinyin and a couple missing characters, yet i was getting the majority of the rest fo it correct, whereas some of the other students werent, but of course many were getting higher still. Laoshi Xie got pretty angry at Bai Fu ( the french speaking coloured guy in front of me) as he doesnt studying or understand much and messes around and was cheating in his dictation exam. I researched the hsk 3 and its all in characters apart from one section were they give you the pinyin and you have to use it to complete a sentence. not sure about the speaking and listening part of the exam, I'm sure Pan Laohi will be more forthcoming. Linda met me about my Taobao the sewing machine was sent but the message got sent to my mobile which cant read chinese so its getting sent out again and to her phone. the contacts I ordered were also not sent as I never checked the mail and answered the questions abut whether i wanted one or 2. oops!
Friday 31st October - Sunday 2ND November Halloween!

Halloween isnt really celebrated in China, they have a ghost day in July or August, a bit similar to the day of the dead as its ghosts of ancestors.so therefore its mainly internationals who celebrate and the odd chinese student. but because it's a Friday more people were out. I was able to get 100 days mainly black contacts just outside the university for 80rmb. which is cheaper than at home for a one day pair!
everyone came to my room for me to help them with makeup and to get. I did Rebeka's face as half a sugar skull, the white face paint was very good.
using some watered ink i created black tears and also discovered a wet brush and eyeshadow goes darker and spreads better than just normal eyeshadow and a dry brush or applicator. topping off my look with my dark contacts and white face was black eyes, black glitter lips and tears and "blood" dripping in black from my face and neck, along which huge back-combed hair i quite looked freaky. Lots of chinese loved it.
unfortunately most chinese and westerners didnt really dress up, just fake blood and slutty outfits mainly (of course, similar to the West I guess)
Sunday was spent with Kat. we tried the Muslim canteen finding it less greasy, visited M18/M on the Bund to see the Yves Saint Laurent Photography exhibit and found the designer a strange man (always smoking, in love with his bulldog and wearing a strange lab coat in the early days)
from here we went to the art place near Hongqiao, full of strange statues outside and the grass and plants slightly overground for a strange free artistic look. there was even a building sloped into and covered in grass. we paid into the "halloween exhibit" there were cute Halloween sugared pieces. but the rest of it was not an exhibit, we paid 25 into a market! thrift and craft! it was interesting but not worth the price. they had exotic pets for sale. crabs in shells. lizards, frogs, a scorpion and tarantulas. very strange! along with odd music. we also got slightly ripped off outside getting some nice smelling cake like things and getting too much and paying 46 in total. we ate that for dinner and didnt even finish it there was so much. we weren't even sure what i was. not sweet nor savory, dry or wet, not very sticky, and we werent at all sure what it was made from. however it tasted ok, and was addictive to eat and not greasy. so a success.
Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th November
learnt extra vocab over the weekend, which is always a drag but means im prepared for when i seem to get double dictation! so annoying! Monday's are so bad for attendance, at least half the class is missing. one of the black students behind me only went for a total of 2 days, and the other who also sits at the back appears sporadically and gets a telling off from Xie Laoshi, lots of people think they enroll just to get the Visa, however I dont know what good a visa would be, its not like the pay is anything special here? I had the afternoon of work so went shopping in Qipu Lu (the cheap chinese fashion area) getting some clothes and new shoes and trainers (similar to Docs and only £8.50!)
we had our class photo on Tuesday, outside, i had lipstick on, and therefore being a white girl with makeup i was but in the front middle beside the teacher and they kept telling me I was beautiful..
Wednesday in class was horrid, for some reason in Comprehensive chinese we had some listening exercises with tones and picking correct answers, I was terrible, got like 2 right. however not everyone was amazing. i must practice more. thankfully Kat was able to send me the book's cd tracks via dropbox so I can start listening to that to practice and I also found a site with listening for HSK on it.
Was ready for punching chinese ladies the past 2 days trying to get the tickets for Xi'an. Kat and I have been 3 times before this and we kept being told to come back, eventually we asked Shaodi to come help us, and resulted in getting one return ticket and being told to return later/tomorrow for the other. When Kat went that evening after 5 they wouldnt serve her as it was too late? when we went on Wednesday, the woman glanced at the paper with the details and just started saying no, even after we said where in chinese. seeing red we were able to thankfully got Shaodi to help us, our tickets were sold out, she wouldnt look at the sheet at all , he had to translate all in chinese, we had to get a different train and the lazy B***h didnt even put our names on the tickets instead just typing the Initial, eugh! Some people make my blood boil, clearly a racist who didnt want to serve/help white people. not cool at all!!!
thankfully work was much better, doing more patterns, organising stuff for a press shoot and separating toiles. turns out the chinese recycled just about everything, materials, raw materials, papers, plastics etc. A lot of the elderly and poor hoke in bins etc and gather it as they get money for it. explains why so many people just drop their rubbish at their feet as they know someone will always pick it up. if only the west would do something like this, would help the environment immensely, but no-one wants to get their hands dirty and bin hoke, its should be community service for sure! and apparently the chinese work a lot with Africa now, mainly using landfills there. explains why there's so many Africans in my class and the school.
Thursday 6th - Tuesday 11th November
thankfully had a nice last lesson on friday were we watched a chinese video on chinese food, although in chinese it was very interesting seeing how they made noodles from scratch, oil from seeds etc. so much effort and the outcome is so inexpensive, not really fair i guess.
got shown how to set up crepe chiffon for cutting, steaming it flat. I was to cut strips for the sample cape i made a pattern for, being shown by the male sewer, he made it look so easy to cut yet when i did it it was a mess! i would most likely use a rotary blade to cut and not try to cut 14 layers at once!
felt rotten when i got back on Saturday, but was happy to discover that the sewing machine i ordered off Taobao works perfectly, albeit a bit noisy and plastic'y.
didnt want to waste my Sunday and didnt feel too awful, finally tried vegetable baozi, very tasty! went to K11 art mall, so nice! very beautiful with lots of amazing shops including a Vivienne Westwood store! (unfortunately the Asian workers were following us so close they may as well been breathing down our necks literally as they were that close)
they had some strange art pieces there, including a video of Andy Warhol pop art of Monroe and Jackson but a moving version of them smoking.
The interwoven watch floor piece I will never disappear/forever i will be here : Heidi Violet is made to show the interpretation of everyday objects like cheap digital watches , its a reminder to the audience that although time has an impact of everyone it is also a concept invented for the convenience of human activities. every hour they chime simultaneously making an orchestra fo digital chimes outside
they also had a huge golden pig with wings that moved up and down like it was going to take into flight. The majority of stuff was weird and modern and didnt seem to have much reason behind them? downstairs was the Nordic fashion exhibition on innovative fabrics and designs that were environmentally friendly. they were mainly fashionable and wearable.
from here we headed to the Bund. unfortunately the exhibition I thought we were going to was not at 3 at the bund, A lovely building but it was spookily empty inside, the exhibit was modern art: red, black and white lines, the centre pieces being suspended painting strips of wood. however near the window in clear plastic had been written a story which was only readable in certain lights. it was quite interesting. A warehouse type space, it would have been perfect for halloween, especially as we were completely alone, no one was even on the door to the entrance!
we tried to go to the graffiti exhibition at M18 however it was still not ready, looking in, it looks fantastic, very earthy and urban, will be exciting to visit once complete.

wednesday 12th-thursday 13th November
unfortunately for me, due to my increased and foreign spending, along with the proper online banking checking procedures coming up, the police (apparently) reported my bank card as stolen/compromised and i've been labeled with fraud. i was rang at 2am, had to ring back and after a very annoying conversationalist with some Scottish guy my bank card will be left active for 2 weeks before being fully cancelled, one will be sent to my house and then sent to me. so annoying!!! but was able to grab some cash with it from the ATM and pay for some more on my taobao account. I only spent about £150!