Ended up putting a damp cloth on my stomach during the night to try and ease the pain. Woke up early so was able to go back to sleep, but as usual with that I was then knackered when the alarm went! Jongrak has a meeting today so I will be doing her classes, there’s also a new teacher starting, she will do science. I asked Jongrak what sort of science do they do here, like in our Primary they do basic stuff, mainly biology mainly people and animals for instance the life cycle of the butterfly. Then in secondary school they do all 3 like us, but I was able to drop one for GCSE unlike my friend at another school, Jongrak didn’t go into detail though. I’m teaching for 2 hours each prathom 6 class, 6/1 in the morning from period 2 and then 6/2 from after lunch. Its continuing on from last week so she gave me the book and told me to do whatever,. I did a lesson plan for both classes using the book and remembering what I went over last time. Tried breaking it up with hard work, exercises and drawing along with repeating the words to practise vocab. “fruit” was difficult to say I had to break it down into “fr-oo-t” and go over it. And the difference between potato chips and crisps. Did the exercises from the book with them and ended the class with drawing a garlic bread recipe from the book doing a paper example myself and one on the board. Did another postcard for the family, one of the emerald Buddha. Along with my lunch I got a drink, absolutely bubble tea sort of bag , absolutely gorgeous! On closer inspection it was either black eye beans or peas, it was so sweet though, love their talent for doing stuff like that, just like in china with the pea or corn ice lollies. And everyone thinks the French have the better cuisine, Asian food is great, tasty and interesting with so much more available, is just very spicy, so spicy that according to Chongrak Chinese wont eat it as its too spicy for them the need mai pet, as their stomachs cant handle it. Only if they’ve lived here a very long time can they. Strange eh! Did my washing over lunch, well made a start on it and then back for my second class, brought my laptop as I planned to give them tasks to do. I feel this class is the hardest to work with, they don’t seem to try like the others and will be worse behaved, its so hard to teach them anything and some of them are badly behaved, im pretty sure at one point one of the boys punched another one in class! They cant grasp what the other half of the year can so everything takes much longer, it’s a pain, and they couldn’t say fruit either, or grocery…another hour with both classes tomorrow.. Back home I finished my washing and went for a bike ride, was looking forward to one as hadn’t been in a week! It had rained earlier so it wasn’t too hot when I first started out, stopped at the 7/11 for a Fanta strawberry slush puppy yum, they don’t do after sun though!! May look in Tesco Lotus.
Found a new route so may explore more tomorrow and around the rice field, there was a field with fresh manure on it, first I’ve seen! Did see some white birds for a change, similar to a dove from a far. Due to reading the Beach I started to get paranoid that I’d come across a dope field, that’s just mad haha! No after school class today as I did so many hours apparently so did some more of my blog and uploaded my photos from Ayutthaya and Kamphaeng Phet along with some videos. Had dinner at Jongraks, the skinny teacher from the other house, the feisty older one they call grandma but she doesn’t look that old (must drink more soy milk) and Dang. She let me choose a dress for Rebecca earlier, went with Emerald green as it’s one of the bigger ones and is her birth colour and I swapped my pink for the red as I wear red more and it was in better condition. Chongrak also gave me the letter and postcard the family sent me from Spain! Looked at the postcard, a backstreet in Marbella, a wee line from mum dad and Ryan, he asks for the tarantula haha! Then Rebecca has written me two pages with lots of illustrations of course! Will read just before I sleep, means I’ll look forward to it more. Got taught how to make Thai green curry with lots and lots of mushrooms. We also ate with rice Ofc and fresh veg, cucumber, lettuce and some strange perhaps apple type green vegetable, small with black seeds in it near the centre the size of the dragon fruit seeds, was lovely but the skin wasn’t the most appetising. Checked the cameras online form the Big C, they’re the same price at home and the laptops I looked at either have a crap webcam or no optical disc drive. So don’t think I’ll get either, may just get a tablet, can use it for travelling. Got speaking to the family, admitted my solo trip to Chaing Rai, was good, haven’t spoken/seen then in over a week and a half, told them all about my adventures, I look very tanned and we talking in depth about something I seem to get a posh English accent!! This is due to the people I hang out with and teaching arghhh! Think I will do a TEFL at home, I really enjoy the challenges I face here even if I do become exasperated at times it is worth while. Apparently lots of Thai people keep adding my friends and sister she accepted “Nick”. I told Rebecca my deep observation about rice fields, she was sceptical at first but she then said I’m turning philosophical like Confucius, I really am turning Asian due to my isolation haha!
I’ve had lots of deep thoughts over the week with all my lone travelling such as thinking, “Was I a caged bird set free, or has the door only been left a jar”
“Visiting Thailand is a lot like drinking a homemade Thai lemonade, sweet, sour and tangy with saltiness. Yes and no in your mouth, beautiful, elegant, religious peaceful people, with an ancient respectful sense of nation and past, a country of endless peaceful Na Ceow, green fields, full of hard working labourers, but then there’s this grubby side, overpopulated, dirty, sticky and humid, its disgusting, Bangkok and Pattaya are the most disgusting places I’ve ever seen, Westernisation have destroyed a beautiful city, but hidden in parts of it are treasures galore, beauty, religion, history and culture, the Grand palace, golden Pagoda’s gilded and jewelled Buddha’s. A yes and no to you eyes and senses, just like the lemonade is to your taste buds. You love and hate it, you don’t want more but you do, your thirst has not been quenched”
Read the letters and the postcard from my family when they were in Spain last night, made me so happy, good actually imagine them being with me the way they were written. One was from my sister and one from my Mother. Mum’s was very down to the point as I guess most mother’s are, it was from the mother’s day weekend so the main concerns are the tarantula (which I sorted out and not being well, making sure I have plenty to drink and how she wished she was there to help me (I wished she was too, strangely at the time, my mums voice came into my head and advised me what to do handy eh) she sent here love Ofc! My sisters was oozing with her personality, she began with the setting of her writing in 1st person of course and went on to tell me how proud she was that I was doing this and how she isn’t brave enough to do anything alone. She’s quite honest with me which I like, My sister and I have become very close I think this past year particularly since my break up, Spain last year too would have helped, we’re alike and yet so different, but we love exploring and seeing and learning as much as we can, she constantly has her nose in a book and is scribbling away, either a story or a sketch, I often picture her in Spain, on a chair curled up with her floppy hat on, sun dress relaxed arm over hanging the chair with ink stains on her fingers and her nose in a book, to get her attention you need to call her a few times or actually remove the book! Apparently she’s become me, my dad calls her Napoleon as she tried to get them up to do things and then wont (lazy boys!) she wishes I was there to do things with her and to keep the pervs away haha, the Spaniards love the western blondes and she is a very beautiful long haired blonde! The page is covered in random sketches, its great! However, because of this I didn’t get to sleep until nearly one, though I had an easier night with the sunburn though its still read. In the assembly this morning the new science teacher was introduced, Jongrak said she was fat but she’s actually just a curvy girl, I’d dread to think what the Thai teachers in some of the schools actually say about the western E.T.A’s they have if they’re big! She seems like a lovely teacher, and I made out that she was very happy to be joining them and looked forward to teaching them, her first class is with Prathom 6 today. After assembly I marked the students work from the day before, mainly correct, just the odd spelling mistake and some got my instructions a bit wrong but its ok, at least they do the work, I’m sure its really difficult with no Thai being spoken, sometimes I worry if they’re laughing or making fun of me in class, but they’re all so nice I take the laughter for some lunch time joke, they do try hard and I’m sure they understand its as hard for them as it is for me.
I’m to teach solo again, prathom 6/1and 6/2 before and after lunch but only an hour, so made a quick lesson plan and get stuff from my house (so I was 8 minutes late as the school bell didn’t sound for some reason) I did vocab with them, repeating some from the day before personal with verbs, e.g. I buy, he buys, you need, we have. Then getting them to use it in an exercise in the book and then orally practising shopping after id went over the vocab. Getting them to go over the main phrases using a new learning technique I developed randomly using my hand and fingers as a counter to either 5 or 10, often the children join in, I think they like it, sort of testing themselves, e.g. How much is that? I then selected 6 random pairs to do it, the 2 excellent students the girl and boy called “nikki” and “nick” I try not to favour as I feel the other students need to learn and benefit too, hope they don’t hate me for it, but means I can see how the other students are developing and understanding and help them more through one on one and with confidence as I make the pairs go to the front of the class and say the exercise loudly and if parts aren’t I go over it with them until they do, they don’t get singled out as I do it with many of them, even if it is correct but isn’t loud enough, a lot of the students, like my brother, know their stuff perhaps, but are too shy to use it, I want to try and get over that and build confidence through loud repetitive practise. Cleaned my floor at my house as I’d ran out of water this morning and Jongrak organised it to get refilled so my bathroom floor was a bit grubby. When I went to get my lunch I was told we were meeting it at Jongrak’s. It was one of the younger teachers birthdays so we were all having Pizza, chips, goujons and randomly spaghetti carbonara from a box. I got my own little vegetarian pizza, was strange, they had cucumber on it, but it was delicious! The Thai’s eat their pizza oddly here, they put tomato ketchup ON the slice, like I can understand using it as a dip for the crust if you have to (I wouldn’t ketchup it gross) but to smother it over the slice really covers the taste! There was another beautiful cake again, either the same as or very similar to Dang’s but I was too fool to even attempt any, even though id only had 3 slices. Shame as it was mouth watering looking! It was her 26th, I see her nearly everyday, her and Bla get on very well, she’s a biggish sort of girl and her and Bla took the biggest slices, but I don’t know her name, I actually only know 6 names plus “the director” there’s Jongrak, Batoway, dang, Bla, Wat and Hodelle. But I don’t really work much with the others so guess that’s all I need to know.
Had 6/2 next. I did the buys/needs/has vocab with them and set them the exercises to go with it, we practised using the repetitive hand learning, I don’t really do much practise conversation with this class, its harder to work with them as they don’t understand me as much and aren’t as smart as the others. Though it was a real bonus when they got their work back, many were showing off their stickers and if any said “beautiful” we did the shopping lists and I went over types of containers for food, ending the class with them drawing 4 pictures from the sets on the board, e.g. 2 jars of jam, a dozen eggs, a bottle of soda, 3 slices of pizza. It was raining heavily by this point, a lot like yesterday so couldn’t go on my bike ride, instead I uploaded more videos to my facebook and updated my blog, then I had my Thai dancing lesson at 2.30. I found it hard to remember dance 5 as I hadn’t had much time to practise the past week so we had to go over it again a couple times before we started 6. I really enjoy the Thai dancing, I’ve found that if I think about the steps I get muddled and miss a step, but if I flow with the music and my body I seem to be able to get the moves fine. GOT MY SONGS ON MY MP3 YES!! Never again will I delete them all!! So I went on a bike ride with music, along the same direction as yesterday but no fields, I had tired to look up how to get to the waterfall but I cant find directs on Google map, maybe I’ll need to look at the map myself and just work it out. I wondered if it was near/ in the direction of the path I was headed as there was mountainous jungle trees there.
At 5, Bla, Dang, Chongrak and I got in her car and headed to Nakhon Sawan, she’d given me one of the carved flower soaps that I’d be admiring, she’s so kid to me! I actually love this woman! I love chatting to her too, on the hour journey back we spent it talking about school, lessons, how I felt western culture had ruined the beautiful Thai culture in areas like Bangkok etc and how I much prefer the village and the way of life with it all so real and the people friendly and honest.
Wrote my letter for Rebecca having wrote one for Nan and Gag and the others earlier. We went to the Nakhon Sawan T-shirt shop beside the Big C. Jongrak got one for each of my family, even me! Choose all different colours, and they weren’t cheap either 130b each! Apparently they say, the main river of Nakhon Sawan, dragons (i.e. Crocodiles) Bung Boraphet, good fish, and the original name for Nakhon Sawan on the t shirts in Thai, cool eh! She asked who else was in my family, I said my grandparents but they didn’t wear t shirts. From here we had to stop at the hospital as Bla needed to call in on her Grandmother who is in the ICU. Her family doesn’t seem to have much luck at the moment with hospitals do they? We then got dinner near the riverside, a very clean white tiled restaurant, sort of a modern traditional Thai restaurant, it was lovely, you got cold Chinese noodles and a sauce, I choose a nut satay one and fresh veg e.g. bean sprouts, there was a pickled sort of cabbage one which was lovely and banana flower, which is sort of the banana stock before it grows, never had before but delicious, especially with the sauce WAN sweet. They had loads of desserts too but I was too IM for it (full) from here we hit the riverside market, its sooo long! Jongrak got me some brackets, Rasta colours with metals leaves etc. I then got some gorgeous hand made hair pieces for myself and Rebecca for 150B down near the other side I found a 100B stall and ended up getting a dress (my 3rd black one) leopard trousers, a cute C LOOUNG yellow crop tops with bows sleeves, and a net like skirt/shorts with embroidered crosses on it, 400B cannot complain! I kept falling along the path too, the first time I missed the step and nearly went down like a bag of bricks, the second before we left, my whole foot went down a grate, I’m an accident just waiting to happen, at least the hospital is close… we stopped at Jongrak’s only for the 2nd downpour of the day to begin FUN DOI its raining. There was also lots of FA RANG & FA PA thunder and lightning, it was really loud and heavy, but on the deck chair in her living room I easily could have fell asleep, another reason that suggests I should join the navy, even if it’s the Thai one… those officers are easy on the eye in that uniform haha! Protecting their country eh? Come protect me! Haha. Jongrak gave me more stuff, a sun hat with lovely rose ribbon on it, perfect for Malta actually! And TWO of the beautiful hand made Thai photo albums I’d been looking at she is amazing! She says she wants to get me a little something extra and is annoyed she cant head back with me due to her award hence why she’s having the dinner. Aww! I told her I’d come back with my sister and she said we can stay at hers if we wish or maybe even the farm house if its ready an cook Thai food for us, love her,, definitely my Thai mum! The rain eased enough that we could go, my shoes are sodden, again! It got really heavy on our way out of Nakhon Sawan that we could barely see and had to drive in the middle of the road, like something out of a natural disaster movie! It was wild, yet by the time we got to Phaisali near 11 we arrived to find the place dry, no rain had hit.
Okay so today I was bad, I was tired an decided that I’ll try and lie for another hour and skip assembly as I knew I didn’t have a class the first period. My attempt failed, it was way too noisy during the assembly so with the drums etc, so I ended up getting up. I texted my mentor and told her my alarm didn’t go off. When I came round she found it hilarious that I didn’t wake up and instead I was awoken by the bass drum. Did some marking and planned for my prathom 5 class. I’m teaching two of them today, double periods again L Bla printed off my “postcards” so I can write them when I’ve waiting for the class to finish a task. I’m starting on a new unit, Hair, weight and height. 5/1 was Ofc the brighter class and also the first class I ever taught. I began by teaching them the words from the book such as hair length, curly/straight and also the word fringe, height and weight, don’t know why they particularly need to know that tbh. From this we did some exercises in the book, written and oral. By 10 o’clock I set them a drawing task. I wrote the phrases on the board and the had to choose what applied to them and draw a picture. They ended up doing this for half an hour, the writing took them a while as there was a good bit to it and I’m sure it’s difficult, then lots of them like to be arty and colourful, got some wonderful drawings handed in. From here I moved on to Hobbies, I then went around them getting them to tell me their hobby, a good few liked Ping pong and when one said T.V and I asked what do you like to watch she was able to answer cartoons, I was impressed! We did some more oral work, and phrases using my hand technique and going over some phonetically if pronunciation was poor. For th final oral exercise I couldn’t pronounce some of it as it was Thai streets, they found this hilarious. I tried to loosen them up at one point too with accents but it didn’t work so well, they found my speed talking shocking haha! And got excited earlier when I used Thai phrases YI SIP NATEE, gave them a few minutes to chat at the end and I finished a postcard, they were saying/making faces that I was leaving soon as I told them about the fun day next week. I don’t really want to go either!
Went to 7/11 and got a glorious Fanta slushy, how will I survive when I go home without this? Then again it’d be too cold. Jongrak kept showing me and offering me the ugly Thai pumps last night and I told her I couldn’t wear them as it rained all the time and I had to wear boots, she’s fascinated by this and was asking later on that night when it was raining what sort of rain we had, guess I take these sorts of things for granted when its constant and miserable whereas the Thai’s would love more rain as its so dry and hot, today in particularly is overbearing in heat, I’m a sweaty smelly mess! Had a short bike ride and then back to class after lunch, 5/2. I feel that the slower classes find it easier to pick up the accents, strange. Though they don’t necessarily remember the words like the first class. Shame really. Had to take things a bit slower, though kept the first part the same, also adding in hair colour and the words, slim and skinny. We went over the vocabulary a lot to the point that even I was bored but its their only chance really for a native speaker. They found straight difficult, did the drawing exercise, they wrote down exactly what I wrote on the board so just when thy started handing it in I explained again and they realised, though some didn’t change the mistake, language barriers.. More vocabulary and listening and oral exercises, was able to finish my letters (did an animal one just for Ryan for his great results in his GCSE’S) and made a more definite plan for next Wednesday, think I’ll begin typing it up tomorrow. After the repetition exercises and another oral exercise even I was tired and bored, its much harder teaching after lunch. So I decided to try something different, hangman using the words form today, they caught on quite well and got competitive as a class. Children against teacher! It was fun, definitely animated them. May just have to use it for the fun day. Did one more exercise and then lets them go 10 minutes early, in which they were thrilled. Went to 7/11 again and Tesco’s to try and get moisturiser or after sun as I’m still red in parts. Got a Nivea intense moisturiser an uv repair. I then had a private lesson with Dang learning dance 7, I found it hard but she thinks its easy, her younger sister and mine had been commenting under one of the videos I’d posted, turns out Dang did performing arts at uni, cool! The gay older past pupil appeared in his school uniform and joined in at one point, Dang then taught the school children and left the cd for me to copy afterwards as I borrowed Wat’s bike. Went on past the reservoir again, very far out, was even being bad and doing 80, loved it though, especially when Highway to hell playing in my ear, felt very bad ass, dad’s been looking up scooters for me at home, the minx! Just need to send for a replacement provisional and safe up and I’ll be in business! Found a temple and took a photo of the cool green statue at the entrance, it was on a big plot of ground, and maybe 10 minutes from Phaisali. I then stopped at the side of the road and got a timed picture with the mountainous green and fields of corn in the background from across the road.
When I arrived back I had to follow Dang to Wat’s to leave his bike and take mine as he was teaching the kids at his, his girlfriend was there, she greeted me by telling me I was beautiful, I’m a sweaty mess and I’ve met her before? Googled Thailand, tigers and waterfalls so Robin and I are going to go to Kanchanaburi which is the province beside Mark and is near Bangkok, think it’s the place the tour takes you., then meeting Tom on Sunday at 10 in Kaempheng phet to go to Sukhothai with him and his mentor to go to the unesco ancient town site:D the director came to tell me that the wifi should be working in my house, I checked it doesn’t still ffs! Oh well I’ve gotten used to the school room, just not al the frigging bugs!! For dinner we had “sour red curry” it was bought, delicious though with watermelon in it, it was actually the nicest bit! Jongrak had got chilli sauce and I Ofc used it with the onion and omelette she’d made, a lovely dinner at hers as always, I eat like a Queen thanks to this woman, polished it off with some Rambutan. She then give me more gifts, Thai things that she’d maybe been given or never used. She had a wicker basket bag that was beautiful painted with flowers, spring like in colour with cute rabbits on it, amazing and pretty. Bla did it!! She’s a sly one that Bla is, who would have thought she’d have such skill, hope for me yet I guess if I go into this teaching malarkey. She might make me one if I’m lucky :D
On my way back to mine thought I saw a seagull, then I realised they don’t have them here, it was a bat, it was huge!! Like the ones you get in Ards car park beside KFC, utter monster of size! No wonder they’re so nosy in my roof! Back at mind for a bucket bath, discovered my stomach is dry with lots of little blisters ffs! Wonder if the only way to fix that is for them to burst or use lots and lots of moisturiser, I’ll try the latter first. Practised my Thai dancing and lay in bed. The mosquito nets do sweet F A for my room there’s so many bugs. Not a happy bunny. And all the poo from the lizards on the floor is disgusting and not good for my health either. When I left my suitcase in the spare room earlier it was spotless no animals in sight. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE MY ROOM!!
Another glorious early morning. Discovered I’ve started peeling on my stomach, noooo! that’s due to my vigorous scrubbing last night I’m sure. Teaching Prathom 5/3 today 2nd and third, Bla took me to the post office to do my final post and then I got some lovely wool from the shop too. Thought ahead this time for my class, I brought some examples, we took a longer time doing it but the majority of them we right this time, unlike 5/2 which is partially wrong. Blab came in at one point and took some photos Ofc! There was some carrying on though with the boys, the lowest class and therefore mainly boys with a poor attention span, the were basically beating each other up in class and It was starting to get on my nerves, we did oral work and then I went around individually, of course the boys at the back who’d been messing around the most couldn’t do it so I yelled at them though I’m sure they didn’t understand but I think my voice and level along with th gestures showed I wasn’t impressed. Marked the work over lunch. I’m free until my Thai dancing class, so decided to explore on my good old bike, headed the motorway direction and ended up taking a dirt lane beside the hospital, it was mainly ponds areas. It was quite sunny when the clouds didn’t block the sun, ended up going down to the pond and dipping my feet in, it was glorious, quite warm actually! Got some lovely dragonfly photos, it was strange the ground around it had random shells and grass and was partially sunny. Went into such a good mood, started practising my Thai dancing in the sunshine and then dancing to my mp3 like an ejit, felt quite free. The spell was broken though we a car appeared, think it was possibly the police, who knows, with my spell broken I decided this was my cue to go, the guy in the car spoke to me in a mixture of English and Thai, he asked what I was doing and I told him I was taking photos, think he told me to come back after school as it was too hot and that he had a kid in my school. Left anyway, and stopped at the shop again getting 3 more wools, 2 cheap, C ceow, c dang and a different one for mum with glitter bits, I decided to get more as the one I got earlier was a different blend from my original, so the green matches my original and the red matches the blue I got earlier. I was right about the guy who stopped me, when I went to my house he was coming in, I started bricking it that he was there to tell Chongrak but it turns out he didn’t, he has a kid in kindergarten as it was round 2. Back at mine did my blog and chilled watching some more of “the Borgias” got a phone call form Chongrak asking if I was doing Thai dancing, it was nearly half 4!! I thought it was 3, where did the time go?? While I waited for Dang to finish with the students some kids from the secondary sschool (3) came in and asked if I could help them with their speech on drugs for a competition in Bangkok, it was in English so I went over trying to add or correct certain words, it was pretty impressive, they’d had a day in august with loads of activities to prove health and sport could be used to deter drugs. Some of it was gross, drinking salty water for some reason haha. It was very good, they choose some difficult words. They recorded me to help them and were all quite nice. Apparently they though I was great. They’re doing it the weekend I leave who knows maybe we’ll bump into each other. After that there were 3 lads in just before I did my class, Chongrak loudly said in English, this is Kelly and No she does not have a boyfriend, apparently they were interested. I was still in such a good mood and laughed replying, yes find out the important stuff, not like my favourite colour or whatever haha. Got my pay, 10,000, turns out I get 2,000 more than Bla, sort of feel bad =/ apparently I get less than 2,000 on the 6th, I’m supposed to get paid by the day so got through to Gla my area guy and he gives me pastoral cares email, something about I need a receipt and the British Council will pay the rest?
Can happily do song 7, practise earlier helped. And song 8 is really simple. Two left! Dang and I are getting a lift to Tak Fa from J at 11.30 tomorrow and going to Nakhon Sawan, don’t know why she’s going so early, then I’m getting a van to Bangkok and then meeting Robin and going to Kanchanaburi as there’s waterfalls, an ancient town and tigers :D then meeting Tom on Sunday and going to Sukhothai, another Unesco site. She let me choose 3 wicker purses that Bla had decorated, beautiful!! Bla, J and I went to the open market. Got 3 Thai cotton prints for 250 as it was good and an extension cord which will be handy for when I get back. We then went to the hot pot place that we’d went to before after Lopburi, I actually recall it from a time we all went during lunch with other teachers. Had some pineapple from the market, nicest pineapple I’ve ever had, it melted in my mouth and dripped all over my chin, HEAVEN! WAN MA.! had lots of the weird crinkled mushroom that looks like a rubber coral but is delicious, even attempted dessert as I’m a fat mess. Was delicious, adding the things from the jars, a green jellied thing, maybe mango? A beetroot coloured one, another fruit, ice, sugar syrup, sweet bread pieces, and sauces, one was a strawberry sauce and the other a creamy one, maybe a form of condensed milk? It melted into the ice making a beautiful syrup so delicious, Rebecca would easily overdoes in the stuff! Jongrak and I had one of our random chats again, we talked about English being better when its taught by and English person rather than Americans they’re accents are hard to understand and they slur their words, loads of other random things, she kept saying how wonderful and strong and brave I am doing all these independent things and that she’s to evaluate me for the ministry of education (not that anyone would fail I’m sure, would explain why certificates were mentioned in the email from t.e.t) she said she was telling Gla about how great I was, I’m really going to miss those 3. Reckon I’ll cry next week, she kept saying I was so much help to her and al, but I didn’t do much, I thought I was a hindrance if anything! She also wants me to have lots of souvenirs to remember them and Thailand, how could I forget?!?!
On our way back she was like you’re Dad’s been looking at motorbikes (I told her the other day as he had) you should try mine, we stopped at the side of the rode and I hopped on, felt wonderful, so much more powerful and I felt more of a real woman than on Wat’s silly thing. She says I can use it on Monday. SUCCESS!! We then got me water from the music room as I’m running low, just in time too as it was starting to spit. She then gave me the beautiful spring bag that Bla made, so happy its gorge! They want me to come back and Bla was like if I get married you have to come, if that ever happens lol , she's a silly thing, she was riding to the market and talking selfies of us haha! Then at the restaurant she left the keys in the bike! don’t know who I’ll miss the most, they’re all so amazing.
Back home I washed, discovering a spot in my bag that’s started to peel. FS!! Strangely enough I’ve gotten used to my bucket baths and rather enjoy them after a long hard day. Packed for tomorrow as well. Jongrak also gave me a belt from Chiang Rai, with the odd silver elephant made from polished coconuts shells. Looks great. I LOVE THESE PEOPLE!! My thai family <3
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