Tick tick goes the clock
The hours, the seconds ticking away. Life and time is fleeting, it’s flying past, gone fast. How to use it? Not to waste? What’s right and what’s wrong. Stuck in my room wasting my days I feel my potential slipping away. Frustrated upset unable to change. An enforced lockdown on my life and soul. Precious time stolen from me never to get back? Do I sit in this room and gloom ? Let it devour me? How to shake myself and fight back? To Re-conquer and regain control yet all the while stuck inside 4 walls. Step by step, little by little use the time wise. Either cry at the tragedy or look for an alternative ending. Brush up on a skill or read a good book, try out a hobby try to reconnect. There’s not much to do so rather than get stuck like glue, try to make the most of what you can. Time is precious we should not waste, take what we get and use it. One small thing a day can be one small step in a better direction. If we don’t laugh we cry. Stand up don’t fall down. The bad things can be opportunities for good if only we are willing to try, To see. Sometimes it is hard, we want to give up, feeling listless, no motivation, aggravated. But we can’t let ‘them’ win, use our time for free, so fight back and slowly you will see, you haven’t wasted your time, maybe you learnt something new, or picked up a long lost hobby. When times are hard we can give a friend a call, a shoulder of support, a helpful hand or attentive ear. Take each day as it comes and try to use it well. Slowly it can amount to something.
4 walls
Stuck inside 4 walls each day, a bird in a cage, an animal trapped. Frustrated angry, sad mood leaping up and then down. At the start the fight within is strong, hope still flickers but slowly it too is gone. The happiness , the brightness it trickles away. How to get out , return to before. We can’t, it is gone now,forever no more.
The past is the past we should live in the now, but what happens when the present is so hard to forebear - a madness, a darkness, a sadness so deep. What is there to help you keep
Getting up each each day dressing and shower, When you feel that it’s all so unworth it, it’s all a big task, a hard chore. How to get help and good feelings once more? You just want to sleep and to sleep some more, the things you like seem boring, not so much fun anymore.
Although the cage now lies open the darkness has crept in, the traces lie there deep and not thin. Your spirit is broken, your passion is dead, the feelings you had before have flown from your head. With each day can some happiness return, or will we forever have this mark , this burn? What was treasured is lost , can it be returned to us again? Walls can protect you but also break you down. Even the strong weaken after some time. People need freedom support and love, with no hope in our lives spirits dwindle to dust.
Keep these ashes don’t sweep them away, some day we can use them to rebuild in a new way. In them we have hope fight and passion - our best. These things are never lost, only pushed down, oppressed.
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