1-2nd September
My flight over from Dublin to Abu Dhabi was delayed by and
hour so I was only in that airport for 2 hours. Bit of a hectic journey as I
left Belfast at 4.30am! The flight over was okay as I slept having taken some Diazepam,
watched the other woman which was hilarious!
Once I ‘d got through the visa queue at immigration I aimed
for the taxi, told that the bus that was possible to get to the school didn’t
exist, and although quoted 200RMB by one women another tried to persuade me to
get one at 550 before I haggled it to 350. I did neither and opted for going
downstairs and getting a metred taxi at 180RMB. I soon as I arrived I had to
leave my luggage in the building, and exceedingly tired get my student card
(What a picture!) and register. Had to pay 500rmb for a room deposit! 50 for a
month internet and another for a canteen card. My room is small and hostel
like, on the 12th floor, and I’m also meant to get a roommate at
some point. My hot water usage is tracked and if I use it all up in one
semester I need to pay for more! My air
con needed sorted and the fridge reeked, the loo has a whiff of sewer about it.
It’s also very hot, sunny and humid! Least I am able to get Wi-Fi downstairs in
the lobby and “coffee room” (there’s no coffee but it’s a nice sort of lounge
area with booths) my Vpn on the laptop won’t work and I can’t even skype as
that got made illegal last summer! China now has its own silly version? Got a
metro to Xujiahui as I have left my laptop charger in my boyfriend’s house in
Belfast, well done there Kelly! It’s an expensive area but filled with some
amazing architecture for the malls. In particular the one I went to “Metro city”
haggled my charger down to 210 from 280 RMB. I wandered around a bit passing a
catholic French façade school established in 1850, Xuhai school. And also
walked around Xujiahui Park marvelling at some black swans. Not the happiest
about everything, but at least better off than my friend Rosie who just arrived
at her university in Wuhan and has been told nothing!
I got my internet password sorted the next day at the dodgy
run down student resources building. Here I met a few girls, 2 Danish and 1
Hungarian who all study in Denmark, we went to Lianhua road to find farmers
market and were unsuccessful however it was good to socialise and afterwards
had my dinner with the Danish girls in the canteen. Not the most appetizing
though, rice and veg and I unfortunately had to scrap off bits of meat. Spent my night skyping, researching VPNS and
looking for a fashion internship in shanghai.
Wednesday 3rd September
I asked for my fridge to be looked at, used the Wi-Fi
finding it wasn’t working I went back to student services and they gave me a
different password, yet my other one works for my internet, confusing! Got a vpn
sorted, paying $8 a month with safervpn. Had a plain lunch of rice and pak choi
from the canteen.
I went back to the hotel to double check about the fridge
and to use the internet before getting the metro to Naxiang station to look at
Nanxiang ancient town.
It is not easily signposted at all, and there seemed to
be only Asians, so, my advice, turn right upon leaving the station, go
straight, the road with begin to curve and you will cross a highway. Continue
straight to Dehua road, Past a couple hotels, you will come to what seems like
a barrier gate, with a small opening, continue on, for maybe 10-15mins and
eventually you will find it, there’s a sign eventually saying that its nearby,
once you pass a school.
I had a quick look at the mall beside the station but it
wasn’t very interesting before getting the metro back to the university. I went
online for a while before meeting up with the Danish girl. We went to a fun bar/restaurant called “Perry’s” there
are 4 in Shanghai apparently, it was ladies night and it was packed. The place
is like a doodle pad with writing everywhere, along with flags. There were
several people up dancing around the bar area and the music was good. You can
drink, have food and smoke shisha. It seems like a very popular international student place.
Thursday 4th September
Today I had my medical, good thing I didn’t get one at home
or I would have had to pay twice! Filled out a sheet, asking everything to: was
I pregnant, had I previously had the plague to have i got aids….got bloods taken, paid 470
RMB got an x-ray, and ECG and then bullied by an angry Chinese lady who made me
hold a spoon to my eye and read very VERY small Chinese lettering and to tell
her whether it was up or down…I passed but it was hard! Chilled in my room
before heading for Shanghai Museum.
Friday 5th September
Today was the induction day. Thankfully starting at half 10
(mornings are most definitely the hardest, tiredness, the realisation that I’m
so far from those I love and that I cannot talk to them for ages,(7 hours
behind me) the loneliness.) It was on until 12. We were given an introduction
into the school international services, the rooms etc., and the clubs we can
join. Missing class is taken very serious, miss over 1/3 and you can be
disqualified from your exams that year or expelled! Thinking of perhaps joining
street or Latin dance, and maybe the shanghai experience club as they take you
on adventures. It seems that perhaps classes will only be in the morning.
My map app unfortunately wouldn’t find the ancient town for
me, and the map I had wasn’t very good (Google maps) fortunately I had a
brochure with the name in Chinese. At least that’s what I thought. I ended up
directed, and in, some sort of army show, full of men (of course) and families
looking at huge Chinese tanks and even a plane! So random!
I looked in a few shops on my way back, which were pretty
good, particularly the shopping mall across from the station, selling very
cheap clothes, in particular cheap tops for 25rmb. I may actually be back for
Back at the dorm I was shocked to discover that I now have a
roommate. A Korean girl called Taiyung. She seems nice, she is staying for 2
years and seems to have brought everything with her, from mirrors to a clothes
horse, and she bought a Wi-Fi router and gave me the password on my phone! Well
prepared. She seems friendly and I’m hoping we will get on ok. She was going
out with some other Koreans for a drink which suited me as I needed sleep, and
when I was getting up to leave the next morning, she still was not in by the
time I left (5am) perhaps she stayed at a friends as she knew I was leaving
early or maybe she is a mad party animal. We shall see!
Got my taxi very quickly to the station (50rmb) and went
through security. I bought my return ticket having written down exactly what I
wanted from the site (you can only purchase 3 days in advance) found my gate easily, got a drink from the
vending machine before boarding at 6.15 finding the car and seat as written in
the top right corner of my ticket.
Tired I slept in odd positions, the child or person behind
me kept kicking the chair (is it horrid that I imagined slow deaths for their
cruelty? haha!) and I discovered the joys of using a squatting toilet on a high
speed train
Saturday 6-8th September WUHAN
Arrived about 12.30 pm in Wuhan station Rosie met me, hadn’t
seen her since November, if it wasn’t for me suggesting and egging her on about
the scholarship she wouldn’t have applied. We got a bus towards her university
stopping at Wuhan east lake park – Moshill and paid a student’s entrance of
We showered off our sweat before meeting the two other Suriname
students, Darys and Afsol; two friendly, funny guys. They don’t particularly
looked southern American, as Suriname has quite a mixed culture; they seemed to
all speak quite a few languages. Sarida has Indian heritage and Darys has Malaysian.
Afsol and Sarina are Muslim so we to dinner in a Chinese Muslim restaurant. I
had some delicious garlic spinach and tried some spiced green beans. Dared
Rosie and Afsol to eat the fish eye and brain, was near sick when Rosie did it
right beside me (even though I egged her on) I can’t abide things being done to
hurt eyeballs (I couldn’t watch the laser eye treatment scene in final
destination!) I felt quite at ease soon
enough and we briefly went to the bar “prison” to chill before heading back for
some sleep.
Sleep did not come
easy however. The herd bed and lack of aircon along with an oncoming cold
resulted in a restless miserable night, for me and Rosie; I also awoke to
mosquito bites, brilliant.
An early breakfast and a jog was not on the cards the next
morning, I felt awful! I briefly sat at the bank for some Wi-Fi, to message my
boyfriend and family as Rosie and Sarida still have not got theirs, though they
organised it earlier in the week.
On the floor above we saw jade artefacts, pottery and
ceramics and learnt all about the first men of China, with ancient skeletons
and tools etc.
It was all very interesting. Afterwards we went to McDonalds
as Sarida already hates Asian food and she’s only been there a week.
Chinese men seem to take to this “new style” of pulling
their skirts up, exposing their stomachs like belly tops, it’s quite gross and
they seem to do it everywhere =/
Tired, we all got on the bus and mainly dozed before heading
back to the university dorms and having a nap. Miraculously, the mechanic seems
to have finally come when we were out and the air con is finally working.
Glorious! Later, having failed to find the canteen which Rosie has a card for
and passing the interesting “fossil trees” area of her university. We found a
fast food sort of place where you get rice and choose what else you want. I got
a delicious vegetable and tofu scoop and some spicy vegetables mainly onions
(hopefully they sweat out my cold, my nose literally has not stopped running
the whole day and the soothers I got, a Chinese version are disgusting and
taste of aniseed, thankfully I was able to get some sweet orange ones later)
This was 6 RMB! And I got a free omelette soup, plain but
tasty! And a delicious lemon ice tea. Such a great meal! We then met Afsol who
wanted food (the toilet I used in his restaurant didn’t lock so I had to use
the toilet “crouching tiger hidden dragon style”) we then met Darys
and his friend, they’d been at a meeting and got some Moon cakes as tomorrow is
the Mid-autumn festival and there is a
full moon. They went and got street food, and while we sat a random Chinese man
sat at the next table (“my English name is David”) and asked all about Rosie
and I and explained what he did and how he needed English white girl teachers
for his school, paying 600RMB a week for 4 hours work, he said Rosie and one of
the guys could do it, getting their emails. It was creepy at the start “I have
car I can show you about, show you nice views on way to school” haha. But they
may actually consider it. Chinese stare way too much, and it’s got to the point
where I just stare back, doing so earlier on the bus an old Chinese man started
talking to Afsol as he could speak some Chinese, apparently I have yellow Chinese
skin. Class…
Also lots of them keep saying hi. Clearly the only white English
girls about #whitegirlproblems
Had a much better sleep thanks to the aircon! Up at half 9
we went around the local area while Rosie and Afsol got bikes and we picked up
the passport pictures we took last night (£1.50 for 8 such a bargain!) we met
Sarida and Darys at the metro station and headed to the Hubei bund area. Full of
some cool shops and a whole area on wedding dresses! We spotted an adorable pet
squirrel in one of the windows!! We went to the Wuhan beach area (Bund) the
waterfront. It was so smoggy you couldn’t see the other side of the Yangtze,
and the sky was grey/dark blue. We had literally just dipped our feet in to the
perfect temperature water for a downpour to start. Never seen people move so
fast in my life, it was hilarious! To top it off, a man was halfway across the
river swimming with his bags when this happened, must have been crazy for him.
It was refreshing for us though. The puddles were warm and you could even see
steam rising from it! Crazy!
Made our way to the station to begin going through after the
others had just left for the guy to realise that the ticket date said 14th!
FUCK! Need to be back for class starting in the morning, what the frig! I panicked,
couldn’t get through to anyone and kept saying I need to go to day, looking
lost and sad they understood when I asked if I could change the ticket.
Thankfully one took me to the upstairs ticket office and got it changed for me
for 6rmb. Train is now 4.30, however with no seat. Spending 6 hours on the
floor behind some allocated seats (I feel even more like a bum than ever but I
was NOT standing for 6 hours!!) thankfully, after sleeping in awkward positions
on the floor (there was a Chinese lady doing the exact same across from me)
sneezing, coughing etc., the woman in front took pity on me and told me to take
her seat when her and her on left, so for the last 1-2 hours I had an actual
seat. I even made it back on time around 10.30 to get the metro back to the
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