Monday, 15 September 2014

FASHION: Belfast fashion week launch August 2014

Belfast fashion week launch August 2014
The week run up to Belfast fashion week launch, interning with Cathy Martin and the gang at CMPR in Holywood.

Having eventually found the new location of CMPR headquarters having gone via train, I soon discovered that I’d left my laptop charger behind.
However I was given lend of one and told to begin counting stock that could be used as part of the goody bags for the launch.
I must have counted hundreds of products. Facial care samples; make up, tan, shampoos and conditioner. It seemed never ending. I also began writing up a list.
I continued this the next day and was joined by two more interns, the guy, helped me begin to construct the goody bags. Nearly 200! Adding in new stock such as; vouchers for food, cinema tickets, hair products and more. Unfortunately for me, after all my counting, everyone was told they could have a few things before it was all chucked in together in a big barrel. Ever feel like you’ve wasted a day?

After my hour lunch break (where I strolled around the small town, finding an old graveyard and church and a cool shop which had B- movie pillows) I spent the rest of the day doing a mailing list and messaging Facebook invitees to RSVP to the event.

More clothes arrived after this as well and we began putting them on the rails.

Wednesday was spent borrowing clothes. I met Cathy in town having picked up some dresses for the show from Lizzie Agnew (my current bridal design employee)
Before Cathy and I went to different stores borrowing some of the latest fashions and trends that could be used on the models for the show. 
Originally she planned one look, but in the end the models had 2. 
We borrowed from house of Frazer, Una Rodden, Marks and Spenser's, along with several other brand names and local designers, having already received stuff from Next and Superdry, Marie Claire millinery and others.

Back at the headquarters, Cathy began putting outfits together for the models while a dress and model plan was written up. we then al headed to Belfast were the launch was being held the new Belfast fashion week headquarters were in "live church" near the Dublin road cinema. Hidden in a gateway courtyard, it’s very large and full of rooms, with a warehouse feeling but decorated in a kitsch fashion with lots of cute boards, fairy lights and upcycled furniture.
WE were given a brief tour and told where things would be, the stage, the models, the sushi bar, were the goody bags were to be kept and then given out, were the drinks would (Belfast fashion week is always sponsored by West Coast Cooler) etc. it was all very pretty and seemed like a great hidden gem to host.

Dressed in the team's them colour of navy (I borrowed and outfit) I arrived in the rain and cold unfortunately at 8 o'clock. We began promoting the event on social media while the models were in hair and makeup and we awaited the clothes form the CMPR headquarters along with the goody bags. Once they arrived at 10 we set the clothes rea up back stage and filled the goody bags with west coast coolers. 
The Asos delivery had been ordered late and we were still waiting on its arrival, in a panic one of the girls remained behind. It arrived at 11.45 to Holywood, the show was meant to begin at 12. In a mad dash over the 2 items were placed on the rail and were able to be used!
The models got dressed in some outfits and got some press launch photos, before changing into the first round of styles for the show. 

Instead of a typical runway show the models were on pedestals and only moved when the styles were being presented. 
Disaster struck, 5 minutes in, one of the models fainted!! 
With each model change there was a mad dash to redress them, clothes were strewn everywhere, no organisation and utter mess!! 
Took forever to get it all sorted and by that time the models were borrowing some random pieces for some interviews and photo ops; a messy disaster and a mad rush.
We were unable to find a dress for ages either and, although told we could go home after we were told to return to base and begin organising the clothes to the fashion brand.

It was a bit disorganised and hectic, especially as this morning along with the Asos delay due to a late order. Cathy changed the outfits for the models.

However, on the outside it all went swimmingly and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
You never know what happens backstage until you work in it, nor do you know the pressure, organisation and stress that goes into the events. 

A great experience and look into the business side of fashion along with fashion shows, model dressing, styles  and trends

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