Friday 23 August 2024



POPULATION:  16,719,000
CAPITAL: Phnom Penh
BORDERING COUNTRIES: Vietnam, Laos, Thailand
CL|IMATE: Tropical with a rainy season (mid-May to early October) and dry season (early November to mid-March)


I first went to Cambodia in 2013 for a 2 day trip from Thailand where I went to Siem reap. This time I was there for 3 weeks during the start of Covid, but before it really started to spread to other countries and before the lockdowns. I sent 2 months travelling around south east Asia before returning to China (days later China closed its borders to the outside world) 

Siem Reap is a huge tourist city due to Ancient UNESCO tourist site of ANGKOR WAT, so it is a more developed area in comparison to other cities, though it is still very poor. Cambodia overall is a very poor 3rd world country with low hygiene standards even in the capital. It has a high crime rate of over 50% so please take care if you decide to visit. 

I started my trip in the capital Phnom Penh (I flew from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia) 
there are lots of cool street artworks in the city to look out for 



however it is a very dirty place, lots of rubbish and cockroaches in the streets and alleys in different cities. the bathrooms are bad too. I saw one with shoes marks on the toilet seat from squatting, crazy!


food & drink 






Kampong Cham is a city on the Mekong River in southeastern Cambodia. It's known for its French colonial buildings. To the south, Koh Pen Island is reached via a long bamboo bridge.There are lots of ancient temple ruins outside the city (Phnom Srey and Phnom Pros)  and several modern ones inside the city to visit such as WAT NOKOR, WAT HANCHEY and WAT MOHA LEAP

it was crazy hot in March !



there are lots of random eco thing sin Cambodia made through recycling like the bracelet people made from paper

the bamboo bridge of Kampong Cham is very famous. I rented a big from a nearby hostel for the day and took it over the bridge 9very bumpy and not fun to push) to the other Sid to explore the idea and it's temples 

the bamboo bridge between Kampong Cham town and Koh Pen in the Mekong River is built annually in the dry season and washed away when the river level rises in the wet season.

Before 2017 the bamboo bridge was built larger and strong enough to accommodate cars, and was the only road link between the island and the mainland. In the dry season the water level drops meaning that ferry travel wasn’t practical so building the annual bridge was the best option. In 2017 a new permanent road bridge opened south of the bamboo bridge and since then a smaller pedestrian only bridge has been constructed – more for nostalgic reasons than practical need. The smaller bridge retains much of the same charm and construction methods and is still an iconic landmark of Kampong Cham. The bridge draws many visitors to cross over to relax at the beach area on Koh Pen.

You cannot visit year round since the bridge is built and washed away each year. The bridge starts construction after the rains when the water levels drop in November-December. You can expect the bamboo bridge to be completed and open by January each year but the construction schedule obviously varies depending on the weather.


the English level is not amazing in Cambodia.  touristic areas like the capital and Siem reap are ok but not fantastic. 


there are also a couple ancient temples to visit just outside the centre of the town and some more modern ones too. like it's neighbouring countries Cambodia is mainly buddhist. 


Kampot is a city on the Preaek Tuek Chhu River in southern Cambodia. It's known for its pepper plantations and salt fields. There is a popular night market  with lots of BBQ fish and peppers. one can visit the Pepper farms or the nearby rainforest which is home to gibbons and big cats (Preah Monivong Bokor National Park) there's also some Beach areas too as its very close to the coast


kampot peppers are well known ! the sea food market is also quite famous and all quite cheap! Lots of fresh fish to choose from and get as BBQ. great if you love seafood, not so great if you are vegetarian or have an allergy ...




fermenting fruit into alcohol.....lots horrid 

they had random little huts alone the riverside with "beds" and hammocks to chill in for free and hide from the intense sun


the local cats are beautiful here! like a leopard of tiger but small and with large ears(to help keep them cool in the heat) 



take care at the temples! I was exploring during the day and taking photos on my phone. A young guy came up and stole the phone out of my hand! it was traumatising, so please be aware and keep safe. same with your bags, and anything else considered valuable. I was nearly robbed a second time on the river walkway area. I was sitting down resting and some kids tried to get into my bag! Cambodia is not very safe due to the high crime and poverty rate. 




weird road side petrol station for motorbikes and scooters,,,,,




Battambang is full of old-world architecture and even older pagodas set picturesquely along a river, The town has many charming colonial-era buildings line narrow lanes, including the ‘walking district’ near the market where contemporary art galleries, local and foreign cafes, shops and bars inhabit the old shophouses. It is a great place to explore the architecture and budding art scene, check out the local cuisine, and to use as a base for excursions into the nearby countryside, known as the "rice bowl" of Cambodia. Outside of town the scenery quickly becomes one of villages and rice paddies, offering an excellent opportunity to see a bit of rural Cambodia. The nearby countryside harbors several picturesque old pagodas, Angkorian era ruins, caves, mountains, waterfalls and the famous ‘bamboo train.’









Phnom Penh 

an Art Deco landmark in the capital the market was designed by a french architect in 1937 with a 26m high central dom. it is said to be the biggest market in Asia and is still in operation today. I would pass it to go to the main bus station. It is in good condition having been renovated in 2011

riverfront walk (day time)
Mekong River 



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