Friday 5 July 2024

HISTORY & CULTURE: British parliament


1215 King John put his seal on Magna Carta agreeing to a list of 63 rules set out by a groups of Barons

(Magna Carta, was the first written document stating the principle that the King and his government were not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself. It was written by the group  to protect their rights and property against a tyrannical king concerned with many practical matters and specific grievances relevant to the feudal system under which they lived)

1265 Simon de Montfort invited representatives of the towns and shires to attend his parliament. 

this helped set the foundations for a democratic parliament such as the one we have today. Eventually the power moved from an absolute monarch to the democratic parliament. Nowadays the monarch is but a figurehead with no real power. A monarch can convene or close a parliament, or veto a law but this is uncommon. The power to make the country decisions almost completely falls on parliament members and the Prime minister. 


3 parts 

1) HOUSE OF COMMONS: an elected chamber of parliament. They discuss big issues, proposes new laws and amends existing laws, and challenges the government's work. There are 650 elected members referred to as MPs (members of parliament) each represents a constituency of the UK (political voting district/ electoral district) they belong to a political party or are independent and are voted into the position by the constituents (people) of the area they wish to represent. The leader of the party with the most MPs elected after a GENERAL ELECTION becomes the PRIME MINISTER (PM) and heads the government. parties not in power are called THE OPPOSITION. Government ministers and opposite ministers question the government on proposed laws. The SPEAKER keeps the house in order  and chairs these debates halting intense arguing and preventing fights - this happened in previous centuries swords were drawn!)  

PRIME MINISTER (PM) choses a "cabinet" (group) of senior ministers to coordinate the different government departments (eg health minister, finance minister) 

2) HOUSE OF LORDS makes and shapes laws with the house of commons. HoL is made up for 800 members made up of life peers, hereditary peers and bishops  
(Peerage is the collective term for peers of the realm. A peer is someone who holds one of five possible titles duke, marquess, earl, viscount, baron which is inherited from a direct ancestor or bestowed upon him by the monarch, though you can also buy one nowadays if you really want) 
LORDS are selected for their knowledge and experience using their expertise to look at laws and issues in detail,

3) The MONARCH's role nowadays is mainly just ceremonial, meeting with the Prime Minister once a week to discuss whats going on in parliament and formally agree new laws.

There are others who also help in parliament. They are known as SUPPORT STAFF, such as clerks, secretaries, librarians, researchers and more.  

PARLIAMENT is here to question and call government to account, ensuring fairness and preventing abuse of power. It helps looks after the common people (the public) by questioning how new policies might affect them in good ways or bad. 


look at a particular subject and analyse it, making suggestions for improvements. witnesses with expertise on the subject are called to give evidence which helps shape the enquiry. members of the public and also give evidence based on their views of the subject area to also be taken into consideration. At the end of the enquiry the committee writes a report with all their findings and recommendations, of which the government usually responds to within 60days


both the house of lords and house of commons share the responsibility if making new laws and adjusting old ones. 

a BILL is a proposal for a new law, or to change an existing one. It may come from governing or opposition parties, public inquiries, civil servants or campaign groups. 

HOW? for example, the government wants to place greater controls over the internet. 

a proposal called a GREEN PAPER is published which presents the ideas for future policy. This is open for discussion by similar groups that touch upon the topic (eg. Internet service groups and others that may be affected). Once the findings are gathered a WHITE PAPER is published which outlines a firmer plan for government policy.  cabinet ministers must agree on whether the policy can go forward and vote on the proposal. once agreed a bill is drawn up and the minister responsible for the policy introduces it to parliament for debate. 

Mps, members of the HoL debate and amend the bill through several stages, by the end of the process it must be agreed on by both houses. it is then given to the monarch for formal approval known as ROYAL ASSENT and becomes law. this is known as an ACT OF PARLIAMENT

DEMOCRACY: the common people with the right to vote .

election types include; general, local, European elections.

Mps are elected to the House of Commons through a GENERAL ELECTION. These take place in the UK once every 5 years with all 650 seats are available. Before the vote candidates go on campaign to try and get voter support. Campaigning often consists of public speaking in debate, handing out leaflets, talking to people (potential voters) during door to door visits, and political party broadcasts. Parties standing for election publish a declaration of heir polices during the campaign called a MANIFESTO. On polling day voters make a choice from a list of candidates. the candidate with the most votes becomes the MP of that constituency.   

The party with the most elected MPS forms the government and their leader becomes Prime Minister (PM). sometimes there may be a HUNG PARLIAMENT (no clear winner, a tie), then a minority government / COALITION GOVERNMENT may be created or another election is held 

to vote you need to be over 18 for general elections ( but you can register from 16). 

get your voice heard: you can visit an MP in their local constituency office or you can even travel to parliament and lobby them in the central lobby. you can contact a Lord or Mp by letter, phone or email to discuss an issue thats important to them or their community. if you are passionate about an issue you could start a petition for a cause online or on paper. you could also join an existing campaign, pressure or protest group to influence decision making.  different groups use different methods to get their voices heard, from lobbying to peaceful protests. You can even do this in school, by joining your student council (a mini parliament in a way)


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