Friday, 31 July 2015

TRAVEL: Yellow Mountain 黄山 Huang Shan

Huangshan Anhui Province
MAY 2015


Saturday 9th May   XIYUAN AND XIN'AN RIVER

Sunday 10th May HONG VILLAGE , Huang Shan

another ridiculously early wake u call of 6am, I didnt go to bed until 1.30ish! its super hard to get up in the morning as the bed is just SOOO comfortable, perhaps why the ones in the university are so hard, so the students will find it easier to go to class. we didnt leave until 8 die to some girls on our bus sleeping in, not fair on the rest of us! snoozed on teh long journey up to Hong Village, outside Huang Shan in the mountain areas. it quite  large water town village its a huge lake that your cross to get into it with a traditional rounded bridge, so much more cuter than the ones at home i think! we ended up ditching the tour guide and making our own way, bumping into our school students as different parts seeing some of the old halls, school houses, "moon ponds" etc. it was all quite nice, full of food stalls and souvenirs of course.
the journey down now i was awake was fantastic, beautiful views of the mountain areas, small ponies, lakes, rice fields and bridges over rivers. it was a fantastically beautiful hour long journey, far more interesting than the town. would be amazing to go yourself as along the way there were other stops and specific scenic areas.
back in Huangshan we went back to the first hotel restaurant and had a grim lunch. though there was an interesting tofu dish. think il have a break from chinese food after the 4 days of it non stop, its just so oily!
unfortunately sitting on the back of the bus for 6/7 hours was sore on the legs, though we stopped a couple times. think i'd rather go by train, more leg room. but perhaps it was due to the seat i was in. bus seats are more comfortable than train seats i guess.