back in class to be told we have a speaking test on Friday, a performance, we have to use certain set words from a selection (7 each) 3 grammar points and have it a length of 6-8 minutes. My group is of course Lina, Meliah and Kat. Paid for my trip to Yellow Mountain, as I’m scholarship student I pay 200 rather than full price 1500, utter steal! Starting back at peony rice. ever one said a friendly hello, and after some toile deconstruction I was sent to the fabric market and accessories, failing to get the desired organdy as it is quite hard to come by in certain colours and not translucent. practised wrote up and learnt a script for the test on Friday, however the Russian girl Lina left it last minute causing us lots of stress, not fun and unnecessary. we were first on and along with props, learnt lines (though lina's perhaps weren’t the smoothest) we got laughs due to the script (my birthday party, neighbour complains twice we get drunk, 2nd time we find out her husband is in Taiwan she is super lonely so she joins us like a Chinese soap opera!) and the way we acted it out, and we shocking surpassed the time limit with 12 1/2 minutes, the longest! The rest of the class was spent on a high. We even got to watch a bit of a video once we finished comprehensive class. working hard at the new design conceptions for the envelope fold bag I’m doing for mrkt, the journey back, as with the sudden heat spring/summer is fully here with a mid-20@ range (I even got some colour at the park on Thursday) I love passing the park beside the metro station currently as the flowers smell so sweet!!
Had a bit of a disaster on the Tuesday coming home from Peony rice, however was saved by a lovely Chinese man! Every day brings a new surprise and I often witness the kindness of people who are always willing to lend a hand, like today, my bicycle chain became loose, I panicked having no idea how to fix it when a Chinese man came up to me, asked me what was the problem, fixed it, waved goodbye and crossed the road. He literally saved me from a meltdown and hour long walk home pushing my bike. Small gestures can really mean everything, I hope to try and help someone each day, even if it's just a smile. Sometimes in this vast world the little things can mean so much. Thank you for your help today whoever you were!
And to top it off on updating my Tumblr I found I had a lovely comment/question from a girl asking about my work
Spent Friday night in with a headache and in work on Saturday at Peony Rice I was giving the task of starting the range for children’s wear headpieces, spent the day experimenting with different styles of bows, shapes and sizes made of different stiffness’s of Tulle.
On the Saturday night Kat Melia and I went to muse getting free in and drinks through the promoter, it was quite an odd night. the Chinese manager (?) or Muse befriended us (after watching us dance....) and asked us to join him at the table with free food and drinks (gross cognac with flat cola) he looked a bit like and laughed like the Chinese guy from "the Hangover" movies/ he gave us some weird "injection/syringe" shots, with a creamy sort of cocktail in them which you squirt into your mouth, as you can imagine, the effect was just so delightful and not at all done to resemble anything sleazy or pornographic. He started to touch my leg... the dancers as per usual were scantily clad, this time the men in white leather jackets and white speedos, all of which looked heavily into their steroids. We left to the back part of the bar. We had a hilarious bartender down there which found our "wanker signs" amazing and gave us some tea light candles and got some silly pictures giving the finger, he then hilariously sat down a dildo shaped object which pretty much had me on the floor laughing! Met a Canadian guy who not only knew the difference between Northern Ireland and Ireland, but said he had a friend from Belfast. However he killed it by saying he thought I was 26...twat. In the bathrooms the American girl thought I was Swedish and had fabulous collarbones.....drunken people are odd. We got a space on the podium stage ledge for dance and partied hard (though I may have dropped my drink oops) some black guy seemed to want to try it on with us but we turned it into a dance of which he lost TERRIBLY, While his friends stood around awkwardly not really moving never mind dancing at all. On our way out, a Kurt Cobain wanabe tried to seduce Melia and failed, his over friendliness made me think she actually knew him, creepy! She told him she had to go and jumped in the elevator saying her girlfriend was at home waiting....random night! (when in doubt, pull out the I'm a lesbian excuse")
Broke my shower head holder and for the 2nd day in a row the water was cold! Went to the park and studied in the sun getting bit my mosquitos and then went for shisha with Kat. saw a strange ferret like creative with a broken leg run across the road and spend a long time trying to get up to the grass area. It was very odd looking, Kat thought at first it was a squirrel but not really sure. Was odd!
Monday 27th April - Wednesday 6th May MAY DAY HOLIDAYS/ Chinese labour Holiday
Spent yesterday studying in the park and got bit by bloody mosquitos! HATE THOSE CREATURES! (Is killing bugs ok if you're a veggie, I don’t think mosquitos, wasps and flies count as animals they are sooo annoying!)
Unfortunately this week our speaking lesson chapter is yet again about love! Boyfriend and girlfriend etc. they seem obsessed! We had to do a hilarious class lesson were I was getting married to my class from Sudan (who was also with my last semester) and he had to tell his ex-girlfriend, who did not know and was like, did you cheat on me, (tou xing 头型?? was she your lover? Xiaosan小三??. My response, yeah, I’m a foreigner and I'm prettier than you. ?????????????!wo shi waiguoren. souyi wo bi ni geng piaoliang! 我是外国人我比你更漂亮Had the whole class in stitches, was so funny! And today we had a scenario where I was introducing to my Chinese parents my foreign boyfriend. It was funny because my "father" was why can’t you date a nice Chinese boy, why do you think the foreigner is handsome? He has a big nose!!
Figured out why "No one loved me" back home, my mother had switched off her Wi-Fi so she was actually annoyed AT ME as she believed I wasn’t contacting her and she was sending lots of messages to me, very funny!
In Peony rice I had a disastrous day, they are selling some outfits for a charity pop up weekend shop, it wasn’t too far, however I took a taxi as I had a large suitcase full of items to bring. THE TAXI DRIVER WOULD NOT GET ME TO THE PLACE!! He kept going round in circles (a one way system) and although I told him in Chinese and showed him the address in Chinese he would not seem to go there, eventually I rang my boss, and kept telling him to go straight on. I FINALLY GOT THERE AFTER 40 MINUTES INSTEAD OF 5!! I didn’t get home until nearly 8!! (Though was briefly cheered by a hilarious - and also quite dangerous - Chinese man reading his amazon reader while riding a motorcycle!! crazy! fa Feng le! ??? the rules here are different than those of the EU and well, most other countries! The non-car drivers are responsible for themselves, the driver is not responsible for hitting someone, and hence why it is everyman for them! crazy!! a very nice man also actually stopped his scooter to help me with my bike chain which was kind! Spent the rest of the week with doing some sample flowers and bows for my children’s headpiece range I’m creating for them.
Found out about the EU, Germany and Greece which I found nothing about on the BBC news website which I read most days! So posted a long status online about it having been sent some articles from my German friend Kat.
holiday weekend Fri-Sunday so I’m off class and work so was only in MRKT for one day this week. the American shoe designer company owner was in and got me to look at the Philadelphia Market East station wall art as he said my "rainbow" bag reminded him of it...(now known as Jefferson station) it sort of resembles it...sort of. But was cool that this made him think of it, he clearly appreciates my work a lot more than Tom.
Went to "space" on Thursday night with Kat discussing the politics of the E.u drink a bucket and smoke some shisha. A Chinese guy took a shine to me and bought us two buckets of whiskey coke (we sipped them) and gave us a packet of orange cigarettes. Odd! Especially when I told him I didn’t smoke. We left in a great mood!
Friday was spent in Zhongshan park enjoying the sun and studying, spent the weekend learning all 600 HSK3 words (as they are 50% of the 1200 needed for hsk4 which I plan to sit) I overheard two British girls, turns out one was from London the other was in fact Chinese and had only studied there! It rained all day Saturday so stayed in. My Chinese friend Fei was up from Wuhan for the holidays to stay just outside Shanghai with his parents (he studies Jewellery design and is gay tbh) myself, Kat and the Russian girl Lina and him, went to M2 it was crazy busy and the male dancers wore creepy studded mouth/gimp masks! Do not like! we danced and had fun before leaving around 1 tired (we'd had a disaster getting there as we'd went to the wrong address, thanks google!)
Sunday was great fun! its Laos New year so the Laos students were celebrating, they have a water festival, pools, water throwing and water pistols and hoses, we had so much fun we went back again, getting thrown in the water fully clothed and getting soaked, our old lady boy Laos classmate started giving us cocktails, we were dancing (at one point we got pulled up to the table to dance!!) the French guy from our class was there and he loves dancing, it was soo fun, and the cocktails were great. We kept getting picked dup and thrown in the water or getting the water sprayed or chucked over us! Only problem was it started to get a bit chilly. The Laos guys took a shine to us (think we may have been the only non-Asians) and kept forming a circle and dancing round us, was soo funny. Would definitely love to go to Laos for the actual festival next year! They even pretended to throw one of the main shifu's ?? (receptionist guards) in, and actually did throw in another school worker! Everyone was getting soaked was soo fun! And we were doing Ganbei ?? with our old Lao classmates and new. VERY FUN!
Met fei for dinner after and talked a lot about china and the u.k (he is going to study there for a year)
Got the great news that my sister is coming to china to visit at the end of the year