Tuesday 10th March - Wednesday 18th March
Back in Shanghai after my short trip to Changsha capital of
Henan Province and were the infamous chairman Mao studied. First day of my new
class and next semester, a lot of the old students and some new ones too, an
overly enthusiastic Korean with an odd American accent, a Mongolian, a brother
and sister from Laos, another Sudanese boy and some other Asian students, and
finally a Brit from Kent! I sit with Lina from Moscow and across from us, like
the last semester I have Kat and Melia from Germany. Only this time we are on
the second floor. Our comprehensive teacher seems quite good, thought the
Speaking teacher talks so quick and which a strange accent that I’m not so keen
on her, and she doesn’t really teach much from the book or useful phrases so
far, we're to do some presentations this semester for speaking rather than the
listening and speaking tests on computer. She is married with a child yet
continues to talk about marriage and teaching us strange phrases for
"shotgun wedding and to be unfaithful. The other teacher though younger
seems more mature and has a sort of Asian beauty and professional way of
carrying herself which I like. Both classes are taught in Chinese. Tried the
local Korean restaurants with the "Danish" group and started my
internship at M.R.K.T mad rabbit kicking tiger. Established by an architect
graduate from Harvard, it’s mainly a bag design company, using non-woven
industrial like materials for the bags with a hugely geometric influence (art
felt in particular) the bags are usually male or unisex, and the owner Tom Pen
wants me to help design some more feminine bags for the company. All the
employees are Chinese, Tom of course speaks fluent English (though I’m not too
sure where he is from) and Ducky and speak some English too. I spent the Monday
in a design meeting which was in Chinese and only sometimes translated for me,
some good practise, I was asked for opinions of mock up bags and if changed
needed to be made and the majority of which was taken into consideration and
while be adapted accordingly, especially since I am the only non-chinese
employee and young female. The company has home stores across China, in 150
boutiques in America with a larger expansion plan for Europe, China and America
this year, along with hopefully a collection solely for Bloomingdales/Macey’s
if they play their cards right.
I spent the first week researching current bags, shape,
feminine styles, patterns ad 3d/2d graphics and shapes along with their current
bags. I was given some new projects, create new patterns for their main female
"petal" bag, create a flat pack bag and a bag I would use every day
myself, which in the end will be made and perhaps used by the company and will
also be given to me!
Friday night I went out briefly to Muse with the girls, it
was quite good, except when the dancers started a show in bondage gear and
started dirty dancing with poles, I did not know where to look! Saturday I didn’t
feel so good so stayed in my room mainly and studied and on Sunday Kat and I
visited the "power Station of Art" a lovely area with some
interesting architecture, quite empty and peaceful for Shanghai as well, we
visited the 10th Shanghai "Art Biennale" at the "Power Station
of Art" lots of different arts from around the world, mainly modern
dramatic art, videos, images, props. Not very well done, and some downright
strange, but it gave us something to do.
St Patricks day on Tuesday we went briefly to Windows bar me
of course in my Ireland rugby top, we then went to M2 for the "Donghua fresher’s
party" there was a large annoying American girl, pervy Chinese men who
encircled us and started touching us on the dancefloor, Kat got chatted up by a
German, and Americans kept hugging me and seeing me as their best friend as I
was wearing jeans trainers and a Ireland top on paddy’s day, in a club. I was
roasted!!!!! And I looked like a lesbian to be frank. A hot day of 20* and the first sunshine of
spring ended in a thunderstorm but the weather is on the up. Booked my train
tickets with Lina for Hangzhou for Saturday, and did my 2nd attempt at cycling
to work, driving on the main road, getting stopped and i.d'd by a Chinese
policeman and getting fined, disaster.
Thursday 18th March - Wednesday 25th
I used the washing machine in the dorm to do a bulk of clothes including big things such as towels and jackets, to my dismay, the crazy vicious appliance ripped out the wires in two of my bras! Won’t be using that again in a hurry!! Taiyung was going to try and change rooms to live with her friend who is often sick, however the girl’s parents said no to this semester, so she will remain, however she will often be at her friends like she usually is. I did a hummingbird pencil sketch which I’m quite proud of, studied new Chinese words and felt like I was starting to understand the grammar, however my listening skills are awful as I don’t concentrate enough so will have to practise more. particularly hard when are speaking teacher just rants on about silly stuff and has us play games or do performances, this is ok sometimes but not for nearly every lesson, it’s boring and I don’t feel I am learning, the only good things I feel is that she gives us the listening recording to answer questions and we can listen to it and paused etc. as many times as we like.
In work was given some delicious fruits, apples etc., which is good as an apple or plum can be very expensive here in comparison to home as they are imported, maybe 70p (7RMB) or more for one, whereas at home in Tesco I could buy a bag of apples for that price. However the vegetables are cheaper. cooked a curry with soy milk with Kat, however the Chinese 5 spice we added seemed to have cinnamon in it and made it a bit strange, but was silly better and not tasty like canteen food!
Finished doing patterns for the petal bags, varying in colour and patterns, such as triangles, stripes, maze etc. will perhaps return to this. I am now currently designing flat pack bags, flat material pieces that push out and connect together into a bag, no really done anywhere, saves on space, money for transport etc. and therefore a bit more environmentally friendly. Tom wants me to design these as he's always wanted something like this. Did about 19 different designs, mainly drawing from his own collection and will draw out in specifics some of the best with measurements etc.
Up super early on Saturday, meeting Lina as 6.35 to head to the metro to get the train. We oddly stopped and all had to get out 2 stations before ad get on the next metro, this apparently happens often in Moscow. I learnt a lot about her and her culture and way of life and customs in Russia, and how she feels it’s not the place for her anymore because she is a modern woman who like me wants a career, a life, not to be a housewife and profession of being a mother.
Only took about an hour to get to Hangzhouhangzhou, getting the metro to Longxiangqian station and going to Starbucks having looked around a sort of ‘fake fake' market as we like to call it, Chinese brands meant to look a bit like designer brands but often badly done and cheap, a bit like a "QiPu Lu" of Shanghai, or "fashion Lady" of Nanjing. We decided to go to Hefang Lu hefanglu, one of the old streets with a tourist twist heading to Ding ‘an Lu Station 定安路. A short walk through an old style street, it was still quite quiet around 10.30 before we got onto the main street. We explored and old Chinese pharmacist, still in use but with original architecture and produce or Chinese medicine along with some Western Medicine, it was very beautiful and also quite busy. we passed the drum tower and climbed part of Wu mountain wushan exploring the memorial Temple of Wu Zixu, the Youmei hall area filled with the older generation of Chinese, eating chatting and tens of tables set up for the men to play majhong, a very natural and interesting site to see, the natural hustle and bustle, them so consumed in their activities they didn’t even seem to see us (which was nice as stares are annoying)we also visited the Town God pavilion, following the signs that were not only in English and in Chinese, but also in French. We then went back onto Hefang Street and Zhongshan Pedestrian Street, exploring an old building with lots of original Chinese architecture and full of beautiful Chinese sculptures, modern yet with huge links to the past. Very interesting and beautiful. We posed for photos on a metal crafted throne set, modern yet done in a style similar to the ancient Chinese emperors. Lina also dressed up for photos in Chinese dress, feeling famous with all the Chinese taking photos of the foreigner dressed up, it was fun! We haggled her down to 100RMb for 5 photos and when one was printed with her eyes shut we demanded she change it and she got to dress up again and get another photo for free!
Sunday was also very sunny and spent the majority of it in the park doing a bit of studying. A chilled day before returning to class and work on the Monday, paying 50RMb for the school daytrip to a water town on 17th April.
Thursday 26TH MARCH - Wednesday 1ST APRIL. April fool’s day!
My Thursday of class was pointless. We had a sports day. First class we just talked about it, then after break till about 11, along with a2-1 and 3 we went to the playground. There was a lot of faffing around before we finally got to start. 10 in each team and 2 people at a time we had to do a "sport" to one side and then answer questions in Chinese before the next two team mates could do their "sport" and answer questions, with a max of 10 points for each round. I went first with "Jin Fu" or Joseph, the English guy. We had to balance our Chinese textbook and walk quickly to the other side. I actually won this as a kid in my primary school race. Pretty stupid! we had to answer questions about china, like 2 fruits, vehicles etc. we lost points for not being able to name a Chinese actor and we couldn’t recall Jackie Chan's actual name (I think it is Cheng Li) there was also a ping pong walking race, skipping, 2 people holding a balloon in their backs (the older men did this, the strange and non-working fufuduin from Korea and the friendly Japanese man, I was really surprised he did this!) and sack racing, Kat had to do this, it was with a stupid black bin bag! Needless to say our class lost. Those who didn’t do the races were "laladui" 拉拉队 or cheerleaders, on point keeper and the DuiZhang 队长, team captain. we got to leave a bit early (Kat and I then made a "Chinese" champ" a pointless day. followed by pointless speaking lessons were we tend to just play games and chat, we don’t have dictation either. thank goodness our comprehensive teacher is so good!

Went out on the Friday night for Shaodi’s birthday. First to windows were you could get 5 vodka mixers for 50RMB and then to MOOK free in and free drinks. To the point where we got whiskey poured from the bottle into our mouths! There were lots of westerners but unfortunately after a while there were more Chinese men giving us hassle, and at one point started only speaking French and then told one that Kat and I were lesbians. He wanted us to prove it. We refused! Studied and then went to the tea market with Lina on Saturday, we got to try some different teas for free and she bought some cheaply. It’s quite near our school, there’s also a cheap gym and pool nearby at Zhongshan. Went to the apple store to get my iPad lead checked out before we went to Jinshajiang station to the big shopping centre for a look around and for some delicious dinner in their food court. Did some painting when I got home and chilled before a trip to the park on Sunday with Kat and Lina. Fantastic week of weather minus the Monday where it rained for a while, up to 29' so had lunch in the park. Finally got my books from TaoBao and made a delicious vegan Rice pudding with Kat. yum yum! Got my ticket for Zhangjiejia sorted on Sunday and unfortunately doing a 21 hour journey by hard seat. So going to get a cushion for the journey. Will be worth it though!