To begin with we had to have everything ready, new dresses (I lost count of the number of buttons i've sewn onto dresses by hand!) everything pressed and cleaned. Lace and net curtains made for styling the cubicle 6 mannequins, and lots and lots of leaflets. It was like Tetris trying to get it all into the car, all done in stages, up and down the stairs repeatedly.

Once ready, I walked with the Dutch girl Renee, to the Titanic building, luckily enough it was a dry pleasant day in Belfast for early easter. Once there we went straight to the 5th floor and had to search for an empty cubicle with "Lizzie Agnew" on it. Once found, it was then time to get everything from the, unpacked and get the stall set up. Thank goodness we were early and were able to find a cage to bring the majority of things up! The car park was on level -2!
Mannequins were delicately dressed, lace covered foam heads were graced with delicate veils, poles were raised with net and lace curtains hung from them along with the sign, and everything needed to be juxtaposed to their best feature. Phew! Thank goodness we'd come early so we could get it all done and have a break!
The next day was another sunny one, Renee and I were on our own until 2.30 as our boss was dealing with a client from Dublin who was picking up her dress from the studio. It was busier, and we had a lot more interest. I dealt with the customers mainly as Renee didnt feel as confident approaching them. We chatted in between and the show's photographer took a few snaps as well. The day seemed to go in quicker, again we were able to leave early.
Packing up goes in a lot quicker than setting up! However, there were a lot more trips to the car in the staff elevator. At one point we took the stairs only to find out at the bottom we couldn't get out. We had to go up a floor again, and walk out through the building taking the escalators down to the car. Disaster! But it was our last trip thankfully (my arm was very sore actually from holding the dresses up too!)
Renee and I returned to where are stall was and finally took some pictures on the famous Titanic staircase before saying goodbye. A great experience and a unique weekend indeed!